發表於 2008-7-15 01:53:37
原帖由 70869413 於 2008-7-15 01:40 AM 發表 
We just want to discuss.
The truth is in the world of online trading, it is always more disadvantageous to be seller.
It is simply very unwise to use confusing title.
I just want to suggest Kin to ch ...
其實個 Title 真係令人好混淆, 好難明咩???
去開 Yahoo, ebay 拍賣場, 好多時都有呢類情況!
Match Worn 兩個字唔講, 係咪 Match Worn, buyer 自己去分!
但打 AC Milan, Juventus, Lazio, 都係想人 serach 到個拍賣, 呢啲都係人之常情!
個拍賣又唔係冇相, 會唔會有人睇左個 Title 就認為件衫唔係 Inter 嘅衫先???
而且件衫又唔係假衫, 同呢個 Topic 已經無關! |