FlyingDonkey 發表於 2007-12-5 15:04:48

Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins 未來戰士 4
Director:McG (Charlie's Angel:icon101: )
        Christian Bale        ...         (confirmed:eek2: )

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2007-12-5 15:05:31
Bale to segue from "Dark Knight" to "Terminator"

By Borys Kit Sun Dec 2, 1:17 AM ET

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Christian Bale is in negotiations to star in "Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins," the fourth installment of the hit science fiction series.

McG ("Charlie's Angels," "We Are Marshall") is directing the movie, which will be distributed by Warner Bros.

The series, which originated with filmmaker James Cameron and made Arnold Schwarzenegger a star, centered on a robot from the future, when machines wage war against humanity, whose goal was to kill Sarah Connor, the mother of the future leader of the human resistance. As the movies progressed, the son, played by Edward Furlong in "T2" and Nick Stahl in "T3," took a more prominent role.

"T4's" story, by David Campbell Wilson, John Brancato and Michael Ferris, focuses on John Connor, now in his 30s, as he leads what is left of the human race against the machines.

Bale, who appeared this year in "3:10 to Yuma," "Rescue Dawn" and "I'm Not There," is currently filming Warner's "Batman Begins" sequel, "The Dark Knight."

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2007-12-5 15:05:52
克里斯蒂安-貝爾《終結者4》裡開創未來(圖) 2007年12月05日14:15新浪娛樂


  新浪娛樂訊 《終結者》(The Terminator)真的要回來了,由McG執導的《終結者4:開創未來》(Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins),是將由德里克-安德森(Derek Anderson)、維克特-庫比塞克(Victor Kubicek)和莫里茲-鮑曼(Moritz Borman)三位新搭檔聯手製作的三部曲的第一部。男星克里斯蒂安-貝爾(Christian Bale)將扮演約翰-康納(John Connor)——帶領人類與邪惡的機器人作戰的首領。安德森和庫比塞克稱,影片定於明年3月15日在澳大利亞或布達佩思開機,製作費約為1.5億美元。

  安德森和庫比塞克在接受《娛樂週刊》(ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY)訪問時,解答了許多外界頗為關注的問題。他們首先肯定了康納這個角色在未來三部影片的中心位置,作為對抗邪惡力量的領袖,他的地位舉足輕重,貝爾也成為影片的主演;片中還有一位主要角色的份量和貝爾旗鼓相當,但安德森沒有證實他是否就是阿諾-施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)曾扮演過的「終結者」,只是說,這是個全新的角色,與以前的「終結者」完全不同。


  對於現任加州州長施瓦辛格是否會再度在影片中亮相,兩位製片人稱他也許會客串出演,但還沒有最後確定,即便施瓦辛格真的重返《終結者》,也只會扮演一個小小的配角。 他們表示既會保持影片的核心傳奇力量,又要為其注入全新的元素。

  影迷們對貝爾的加盟十分支持,但對導演的人選有所懷疑。庫比塞克說,曾執導過《霹靂天使》(Charlie's Angels)和《後繼有人》(We Are Marshall)等影片的McG,也是《終結者》的忠實粉絲,而且克里斯蒂安向來對角色很挑剔,如果他覺得導演不夠優秀,是不會輕易簽下片約的。

ken809 發表於 2007-12-5 15:41:54

打完再打:icon102: :icon101:

AirKID 發表於 2007-12-5 19:06:39


ken809 發表於 2007-12-5 21:09:53

原帖由 AirKID 於 2007-12-507:06 PM 發表

TinTin 發表於 2007-12-6 16:48:25

查實第三集好唔好睇 :icon101:
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