發表於 2008-5-8 00:53:38


leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 08:49:11


先按取消申請再按申請 (一開始唔知點解係取消制, 我試左要咁樣先得)

如果您覺得您可以有能力管理 Hong Kong 的國家隊﹐及可以承受擔任國教帶來的壓力,那麼您便可以申請參選這次選舉了。在任何時間下,您只能申請參選一個國家的國教選舉。申請參選的截止時間是 2008/5/11 下午 12:00:00。

我唔會參選, 搵人申請左之後再決定推邊個, 唔係遲D想申請都申請唔到

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 08:55:14

原帖由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-808:49 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif

先按取消申請再按申請 (一開始唔知點解係取消制, 我試左要咁樣先得)

如果您覺得您可以有能力管理 Hong Kong 的國家隊﹐及可以承受擔任國教帶來的壓力,那麼您便可 ...

leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 09:13:58

原帖由 ralov 於 2008-5-703:19 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif

Kowloon King


WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:16:21

Economy/Transfer changes: We are announcing a couple of changes relating to buying and selling players on the transfer list, geared specifically towards limiting the power of daytrading, as a response to the results of the survey. These will take effect for players whose sales complete on of after May 15, 12:01 AM Boston time and are as follows:

    * Game Shape changes: Players that have just been sold will have their Game Shape reduced by two levels following the sale, since they need a little bit of time to adjust to a new system. Players who are listed for sale but do not find a buyer will also lose game shape, as they get depressed that nobody wants them. This limits the effectiveness of teams with a high level of turnaround.

    * Fan enthusiasm changes: You wouldn't be too happy with your favourite team if they sold or traded one of your favourite players, would you? Similarly, your BuzzerBeater team's fans won't be happy if you frequently sell their favourite players. Selling players will have an effect on the number of fans who show up at your next few home games, as well as a hit on potential season ticket holders for next season. The effect is compounded by selling a high number of players in a short amount of time.

仲慘過掛牌要收手續費:icon021: :icon021: :icon021:

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:19:21

The BuzzerBeater's Best: BuzzerBeater's Best is a tournament featuring the cream of the crop of BuzzerBeater teams, namely, everyone who has prevailed in either their country's national Tournament or their country's highest league. The tournament has a single elimination format, with games being played weekly on Wednesdays. The teams will be competing for who gets to be called the best team in all of BuzzerBeater... at least for this year! In the inaugural edition, we will invite all teams who would have been eligible during any of the first four seasons.

熱烈祝賀lwk晉身超級冠軍球會杯:icon021: :icon021: :icon101:

~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-8 09:22:50


政綱: 用人唯親:onion7:

~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-8 09:27:32

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-809:16 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
Economy/Transfer changes: We are announcing a couple of changes relating to buying and selling players on the transfer list, geared specifically towards limiting the power of daytrading, as a response ...

leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 09:28:35

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-809:19 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
The BuzzerBeater's Best: BuzzerBeater's Best is a tournament featuring the cream of the crop of BuzzerBeater teams, namely, everyone who has prevailed in either their country's national Tournament or...

我今日友賽已經對意大利盃賽冠軍啦 :icon050: 佢上場先比美國盃賽冠軍炒完 :icon050:

[ 本帖最後由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-809:31 AM 編輯 ]

射手shooter 發表於 2008-5-8 09:30:05

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-809:16 發表 http://hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
Economy/Transfer changes: We are announcing a couple of changes relating to buying and selling players on the transfer list, geared specifically towards limiting the power of daytrading, as a response ...



WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:30:50

想去參選瓜達馬拉國家隊tim :icon101:

leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 09:32:04

投票的截止時間是 2008/5/14 下午 12:00:00。

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:32:33

原帖由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-809:28 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif

我今日友賽已經對意大利盃賽冠軍啦 :icon050: 佢上場先比美國盃賽冠軍炒完 :icon050:
比個機會你同香港代表隊報仇:icon050: :icon101:

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:33:17

原帖由 射手shooter 於 2008-5-809:30 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif


其實我最憎佢轉會頁面連國家都冇得選 :icon101:

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 09:45:12

我將於今晚稍後時間公佈是否參選 :icon101:

leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 12:00:07

2008/5/14 下午 06:00:00 AroraTai Ping All stars Unit...-   設置陣容 B3
國際賽賽程出左 :icon018:

評級報告 -Arora
進攻策略 -快速進攻戰術
防守戰術 -1名外線 - 3名中線 - 1名內線的聯防
外線得分 -中下 (5) (高)
內線得分 -弱 (4) (中)
外線防守 -及格 (6) (中)
內線防守 -弱 (4) (高)
籃板能力 -中下 (5) (低)
進攻流程 -弱 (4) (中)

唔會輸掛 :icon018: 唔知有無入場費收

[ 本帖最後由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-812:01 PM 編輯 ]

~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-8 12:02:05

原帖由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-812:00 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
2008/5/14 下午 06:00:00 AroraTai Ping All stars Unit...-   設置陣容 B3
國際賽賽程出左 :icon018:

評級報告 -Arora
進攻策略 -快速進攻戰術
防守戰術 -1名外線 - 3名中線 - 1名內線的聯防
應該好似master cup咁掛:onion7:

henrytam 發表於 2008-5-8 12:05:37

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-809:16 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
Economy/Transfer changes: We are announcing a couple of changes relating to buying and selling players on the transfer list, geared specifically towards limiting the power of daytrading, as a response ...

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-8 12:08:05

原帖由 henrytam 於 2008-5-812:05 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif

將籃球運動員當作奴隸般販賣本來就是不恰當的 :(

leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-8 12:11:18

dmak 無賽程既, 輪空? :icon058:
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