leewaikei23 發表於 2008-5-16 09:23:40

2008/5/22 下午 06:00:00Snoopy Destiny Tai Ping All stars Unit...   -    設置陣容C

咩事 :onion7:今屆頭兩圈睇黎有至少兩隊D1隊出局 :onion7:

[ 本帖最後由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-1609:26 AM 編輯 ]

WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-16 09:33:46

對bot:icon111: :icon111::icon101:

~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 09:42:55


~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 09:43:33

原帖由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-1609:23 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
2008/5/22 下午 06:00:00Snoopy Destiny Tai Ping All stars Unit...   -    設置陣容C

咩事 :onion7:今屆頭兩圈睇黎有至少兩隊D1隊出局 :onion7:


WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-16 10:19:09

Let me try to explain further.

Right now, if you want to sell a player, depending upon how long he has been with the team your tax will be between 3.0% and 20.0%.

If you have only made a few sales in the previous 14 weeks, then it will indeed stay between 3.0% and 20.0%. However, for a team that has made, say, 15 sales in the last season, the sales tax might instead range from 4.5% to 30%. So if they're selling players they have kept a while it's not too much of a penalty, but as they daytrade more and more often, the penalty for a quick turnaround will get quite harsh.

There is one team that I believe made around 120 sales in the past 14 weeks, and for that team they might have truly enormous taxes (perhaps on a 9%-60% scale or even higher). But again, that will just mean that for a few weeks they will only get any profit from holding a player for 7-10 weeks before selling him, and that's really the point in the first place, isn't it?

我們都是day trader:icon101: :icon101: :icon101:

發表於 2008-5-16 11:32:47

There is one team that I believe made around 120 sales in the past 14 weeks


~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 12:07:04

原帖由 輝 於 2008-5-1611:32 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
There is one team that I believe made around 120 sales in the past 14 weeks


~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 12:11:46

發佈者:: LA-Morty
致:: GM-Superfly Guy31047.26 回覆 31047.18
日期: 2008/5/16 上午 12:45:53 Can anyone point me to a team that is currently a DT?

Currently and currently ... some have a position as a consequence of DT.
There has been teams like (41703) that has made a strong roster from day-trading (and others like (99007)). But lately they have slowed down. The Österreich team is the winner of the Bundesliga last season and you can of course ask your self if that's because of DT?



WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-16 12:14:16

原帖由 ~~冬之子~~ 於 2008-5-1612:11 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
發佈者:: LA-Morty
致:: GM-Superfly Guy31047.26 回覆 31047.18
日期: 2008/5/16 上午 12:45:53 Can anyone point me to a team that is currently a DT?

Currently and currently ... some have a position as...
NT Coach被ban既話會點?:onion7:

~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 12:16:17

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-1612:14 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif

NT Coach被ban既話會點?:onion7:

發表於 2008-5-16 12:20:43

原帖由 WainSeven 於 2008-5-1612:14 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif

NT Coach被ban既話會點?:onion7:

ok1010 發表於 2008-5-16 13:08:45

2008/5/22 下午 06:00:00Bullish Luck Kowloon Bay SARS   -    設置陣容C



發表於 2008-5-16 13:40:20

原帖由 ok1010 於 2008-5-1601:08 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
2008/5/22 下午 06:00:00Bullish Luck Kowloon Bay SARS   -    設置陣容C


6個training位真係好難搞:onion2: ...


TinTin 發表於 2008-5-16 13:57:03

原帖由 keicarlos 於 2008-5-1504:25 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif

大家都 PIC 好嗎 :icon101:

發表於 2008-5-16 15:57:47


~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 15:58:40





WainSeven 發表於 2008-5-16 16:02:04


klinskan 發表於 2008-5-16 16:07:34


~~冬之子~~ 發表於 2008-5-16 16:25:16



Lian 發表於 2008-5-16 16:28:59

薪金: $ 7 241
技能指標: 24500
年齡: 19
身高: 6'9" / 206 cm
潛力: 全明星 (6) *
狀態: 穩定 (7)
跳投能力: 差 (3)投籃範圍: 穩定 (7)
外線防守: 中下 (5)控球能力: 及格 (6)
運球能力: 及格 (6)傳球能力: 極其糟糕 (1)
內線投籃: 及格 (6) ↑內線防守: 優秀 (8)
籃板能力: 優秀 (8)封截能力: 優秀 (8)
體能耐力: 糟糕 (2)罰球能力: 糟糕 (2)
經驗值: 極其糟糕 (1)

頁: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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