發表於 2008-5-12 18:07:28
原帖由 henrytam 於 2008-5-1205:48 PM 發表
咁搞法我乜要第5:icon101: :icon101: :icon101: :icon101: :icon101:
輸多幾場落第7先: ...
發表於 2008-5-12 19:03:43
原帖由 klinskan 於 2008-5-1112:52 PM 發表
發表於 2008-5-12 21:26:34
Salvador Ybarra
訓練員: 8
薪金: $ 24 862
發表於 2008-5-12 23:21:19
原帖由 secret 於 2008-5-1206:07 PM 發表
發表於 2008-5-12 23:21:43
原帖由 leewaikei23 於 2008-5-1209:26 PM 發表
Salvador Ybarra
訓練員: 8
薪金: $ 24 862
發表於 2008-5-13 00:34:47
PlayersWheelbarrow ZX
22 playersSort by: Age First Name Last Name Best Position Salary DMI Jersey Number ------ Jump Shot Jump Range Outside Def. Handling Driving Passing Inside Shot Inside Def. Rebounding Shot Blocking Stamina Free Throw
Small Forward Bo Tatyan (3224568)
Weekly salary: $ 5 074
DMI: 11600
Age: 23
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: strongJump Range: average
Outside Def.: averageHandling: pitiful
Driving: averagePassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: average
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
Power Forward Ngan Jun li (3224569)
Weekly salary: $ 3 082
DMI: 8100
Age: 24
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: awful
Driving: pitifulPassing: respectable
Inside Shot: ineptInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocreShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
Point Guard Cheuk Chan Ying (3224570)
Weekly salary: $ 1 337
DMI: 3500
Age: 31
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: atrociousJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: mediocrePassing: inept
Inside Shot: pitifulInside Def.: inept
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: averageFree Throw: average
Experience: average
Small Forward Lee Lee Han (3224571)
Weekly salary: $ 2 117
DMI: 5100
Age: 26
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: atrocious
Driving: pitifulPassing: inept
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: averageFree Throw: atrocious
Experience: awful
Centre Fong Ching Pang (3224572)
Weekly salary: $ 5 154
DMI: 13500
Age: 31
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: average
Driving: pitifulPassing: average
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: proficient
Experience: inept
Power Forward Lo Hoai Trung (3224573)
Weekly salary: $ 4 834
DMI: 11000
Age: 31
Height: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: pitiful
Driving: mediocrePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: average
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: respectable
Experience: mediocre
Point Guard Lo Pun Meo (3224574)
Weekly salary: $ 3 029
DMI: 6900
Age: 26
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: average
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
Point Guard Yan Sung chu (3224576)
Weekly salary: $ 2 357
DMI: 5100
Age: 23
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: respectableHandling: pitiful
Driving: pitifulPassing: average
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: ineptShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: inept
Experience: atrocious
Point Guard Ko Sung chu (3224577)
Weekly salary: $ 2 102
DMI: 5300
Age: 22
Height: 5'9" / 175 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: ineptJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: inept
Driving: mediocrePassing: average
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
Power Forward Ko Sun sin (3224578)
Weekly salary: $ 2 120
DMI: 5400
Age: 28
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: inept
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: respectable
Driving: ineptPassing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: average
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: average
Experience: pitiful
Shooting Guard Cheung Ka Hei (3224579)
Weekly salary: $ 1 578
DMI: 4000
Age: 22
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: ineptJump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: atrociousHandling: atrocious
Driving: averagePassing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: average
Experience: pitiful
Point Guard Poon Cha Koh (3224580)
Weekly salary: $ 4 703
DMI: 11300
Age: 25
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: respectable
Driving: averagePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: awful
Shooting Guard Pun Kam Chung (3224581)
Weekly salary: $ 1 614
DMI: 4200
Age: 29
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: pitiful
Driving: averagePassing: inept
Inside Shot: pitifulInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: averageFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
Shooting Guard Lee Haining (3224582)
Weekly salary: $ 2 488
DMI: 5700
Age: 27
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: respectablePassing: inept
Inside Shot: mediocreInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: inept
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: average
Experience: inept
Shooting Guard Lai Baoyi (3224583)
Weekly salary: $ 1 736
DMI: 4300
Age: 20
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: respectableShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
Power Forward Sui Joy Shan (3224584)
Weekly salary: $ 1 566
DMI: 3400
Age: 21
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: awful
Driving: awfulPassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious
Power Forward Fong Ku Jzeng (3148613)
Weekly salary: $ 5 138
DMI: 12300
Age: 20
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: inept
Driving: atrociousPassing: awful
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: average
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
Small Forward Kong Peng Kit (3148584)
Weekly salary: $ 4 812
DMI: 11800
Age: 20
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: averagePassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: average
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: inept
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: strong
Experience: pitiful
Centre Ko Jen Chen (3148624)
Weekly salary: $ 2 287
DMI: 5500
Age: 20
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: inept
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: awful
Driving: averagePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: mediocreInside Def.: average
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious
Centre Chan Anpeng (4821683)
Weekly salary: $ 3 285
DMI: 7800
Age: 18
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: mediocre
Driving: mediocrePassing: inept
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectableShot Blocking: average
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: pitiful
Experience: atrocious
Point Guard To Cao Dao (4821710)
Weekly salary: $ 1 969
DMI: 4300
Age: 18
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: inept
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: pitiful
Experience: atrocious
Point Guard Tse Hao (4821712)
Weekly salary: $ 3 840
DMI: 10300
Age: 19
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: respectable
Driving: averagePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: ineptShot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: respectableFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
發表於 2008-5-13 00:42:05
有冇人以教我點 set 先 ?? :onion36:
過多 1 個月我先可以 detail d 睇 rules
所以希望有高人指點睇下可以點樣 training 好 d
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Small Forward Bo Tatyan (3224568)
Weekly salary: $ 5 074
DMI: 11600
Age: 23
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: strongJump Range: average
Outside Def.: averageHandling: pitiful
Driving: averagePassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: average
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Power Forward Ngan Jun li (3224569)
Weekly salary: $ 3 082
DMI: 8100
Age: 24
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: awful
Driving: pitifulPassing: respectable
Inside Shot: ineptInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocreShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Cheuk Chan Ying (3224570)
Weekly salary: $ 1 337
DMI: 3500
Age: 31
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: atrociousJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: mediocrePassing: inept
Inside Shot: pitifulInside Def.: inept
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: averageFree Throw: average
Experience: average
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Small Forward Lee Lee Han (3224571)
Weekly salary: $ 2 117
DMI: 5100
Age: 26
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: atrocious
Driving: pitifulPassing: inept
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: averageFree Throw: atrocious
Experience: awful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Centre Fong Ching Pang (3224572)
Weekly salary: $ 5 154
DMI: 13500
Age: 31
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: average
Driving: pitifulPassing: average
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: proficient
Experience: inept
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Power Forward Lo Hoai Trung (3224573)
Weekly salary: $ 4 834
DMI: 11000
Age: 31
Height: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: pitiful
Driving: mediocrePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: average
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: respectable
Experience: mediocre
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Lo Pun Meo (3224574)
Weekly salary: $ 3 029
DMI: 6900
Age: 26
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: average
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Yan Sung chu (3224576)
Weekly salary: $ 2 357
DMI: 5100
Age: 23
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: respectableHandling: pitiful
Driving: pitifulPassing: average
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: ineptShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: inept
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Ko Sung chu (3224577)
Weekly salary: $ 2 102
DMI: 5300
Age: 22
Height: 5'9" / 175 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: ineptJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: pitifulHandling: inept
Driving: mediocrePassing: average
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Power Forward Ko Sun sin (3224578)
Weekly salary: $ 2 120
DMI: 5400
Age: 28
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: inept
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: respectable
Driving: ineptPassing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: average
Stamina: ineptFree Throw: average
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Shooting Guard Cheung Ka Hei (3224579)
Weekly salary: $ 1 578
DMI: 4000
Age: 22
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: ineptJump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: atrociousHandling: atrocious
Driving: averagePassing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectableInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: average
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Poon Cha Koh (3224580)
Weekly salary: $ 4 703
DMI: 11300
Age: 25
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: respectable
Driving: averagePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: awful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Shooting Guard Pun Kam Chung (3224581)
Weekly salary: $ 1 614
DMI: 4200
Age: 29
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: pitiful
Driving: averagePassing: inept
Inside Shot: pitifulInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: averageFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Shooting Guard Lee Haining (3224582)
Weekly salary: $ 2 488
DMI: 5700
Age: 27
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: averageJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: respectablePassing: inept
Inside Shot: mediocreInside Def.: awful
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: inept
Stamina: atrociousFree Throw: average
Experience: inept
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Shooting Guard Lai Baoyi (3224583)
Weekly salary: $ 1 736
DMI: 4300
Age: 20
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: respectableShot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Power Forward Sui Joy Shan (3224584)
Weekly salary: $ 1 566
DMI: 3400
Age: 21
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocreJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: awful
Driving: awfulPassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: pitifulShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Power Forward Fong Ku Jzeng (3148613)
Weekly salary: $ 5 138
DMI: 12300
Age: 20
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: averageHandling: inept
Driving: atrociousPassing: awful
Inside Shot: averageInside Def.: average
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitifulFree Throw: respectable
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Small Forward Kong Peng Kit (3148584)
Weekly salary: $ 4 812
DMI: 11800
Age: 20
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: proficientJump Range: awful
Outside Def.: ineptHandling: awful
Driving: averagePassing: mediocre
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: average
Rebounding: averageShot Blocking: inept
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: strong
Experience: pitiful
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Centre Ko Jen Chen (3148624)
Weekly salary: $ 2 287
DMI: 5500
Age: 20
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: inept
Outside Def.: awfulHandling: awful
Driving: averagePassing: atrocious
Inside Shot: mediocreInside Def.: average
Rebounding: atrociousShot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Centre Chan Anpeng (4821683)
Weekly salary: $ 3 285
DMI: 7800
Age: 18
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: mediocre
Driving: mediocrePassing: inept
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectableShot Blocking: average
Stamina: mediocreFree Throw: pitiful
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard To Cao Dao (4821710)
Weekly salary: $ 1 969
DMI: 4300
Age: 18
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: pitifulJump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: inept
Driving: respectablePassing: inept
Inside Shot: awfulInside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awfulShot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: awfulFree Throw: pitiful
Experience: atrocious
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1300:34 發表
Point Guard Tse Hao (4821712)
Weekly salary: $ 3 840
DMI: 10300
Age: 19
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: awfulJump Range: average
Outside Def.: mediocreHandling: respectable
Driving: averagePassing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrociousInside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: ineptShot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: respectableFree Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious
發表於 2008-5-13 06:35:14
Hello! 我o係 美國 NBBA Trombe BC's manager :D
應該是NBBA 唯一個香港人 :icon107:
估唔到所有人用另一個bbs 唔怪之得咁 quiet :icon082:
發表於 2008-5-13 07:59:48
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1312:42 AM 發表
有冇人以教我點 set 先 ?? :onion36:
過多 1 個月我先可以 detail d 睇 rules
所以希望有高人指點睇下可以點樣 training 好 d
train 5000人工20歲o個個:icon101:
發表於 2008-5-13 08:00:15
原帖由 Trombe 於 2008-5-1306:35 AM 發表
Hello! 我o係 美國 NBBA Trombe BC's manager :D
應該是NBBA 唯一個香港人 :icon107:
估唔到所有人用另一個bbs 唔怪之得咁 quiet :icon082: ...
nice to meet u:icon030:
發表於 2008-5-13 08:20:54
原帖由 Trombe 於 2008-5-1306:35 AM 發表
Hello! 我o係 美國 NBBA Trombe BC's manager :D
應該是NBBA 唯一個香港人 :icon107:
估唔到所有人用另一個bbs 唔怪之得咁 quiet :icon082: ...
你內線攻守同籃板都好強 :icon101:
發表於 2008-5-13 09:09:26
原帖由 TZZero 於 2008-5-1312:42 AM 發表
有冇人以教我點 set 先 ?? :onion36:
過多 1 個月我先可以 detail d 睇 rules
所以希望有高人指點睇下可以點樣 training 好 d
Power Forward Ngan Jun li (3224569)
Power Forward Ko Sun sin (3224578)
Point Guard Lo Pun Meo (3224574)
其他無list到咯d都可以賣, 但應該唔太值錢
正選Shooting Guard Poon Cha Koh (3224580)
後備Shooting Guard Lee Haining (3224582)
正選Point Guard Tse Hao (4821712)
後備Point Guard Yan Sung chu (3224576)
正選Small Forward Bo Tatyan (3224568)
後備Small Forward Kong Peng Kit (3148584)
後備Power Forward Lo Hoai Trung (3224573)
正選Power Forward Fong Ku Jzeng (3148613)
正選Centre Fong Ching Pang (3224572)
後備Centre Chan Anpeng (4821683)
train內線防守(PF/C) 或 跳投(SG/PG or SG/SF)
有錢買人要快, 後日買人就會跌兩級狀態. 最好買內線, 你隊波平均年齡最老係內線, 買d 22歲或以下, 內線防守/投籃/籃板都有及格或以上既,幾萬蚊以內應該買到
發表於 2008-5-13 18:08:19
發表於 2008-5-13 18:15:36
上場輸波都唔洗整到我只係得三千人入場掛 :onion7:
發表於 2008-5-13 18:18:41
發表於 2008-5-13 18:25:51
球賽 (4590594) 的門票收入:$ 129 180
發表於 2008-5-13 18:27:23
對夢之朗尼 PIC中居然贏緊
發表於 2008-5-13 18:31:14
Yiu Qing Lai 又傷
發表於 2008-5-13 18:38:47
原帖由 klinskan 於 2008-5-1306:27 PM 發表
對夢之朗尼 PIC中居然贏緊
發表於 2008-5-13 18:40:43