makkaho 發表於 2011-1-10 03:25:32

原帖由 奇連士文再生 於 2011-1-1002:22 AM 發表

Turn A 裡面 Turn X 唔係外太陽系人類既科技, 因為空間轉移先到左地球咩?

Gianni Rivera 發表於 2011-1-25 16:55:01

原帖由 傑夫仔 於 2010-12-2908:21 PM 發表

見你唔順眼就打膠你,到唔夠打就輸個時就同你對話:icon111: :icon101: :icon101: :icon101:

seems not
from gundam wikia

Being CB's most advanced MS to date, the 00 Qan is so powerful that it could possibly have eliminated the entire ELS attack force single-handedly had Setsuna chosen not to communicate with them.


ken809 發表於 2011-1-26 16:59:19

原帖由 Gianni Rivera 於 2011-1-2504:55 PM 發表

seems not
from gundam wikia

Being CB's most advanced MS to date, the 00 Qan is so powerful that it could possibly have eliminated the entire ELS attack force single-handedly had Setsuna chosen n ...
但好似要不眠不休開哂Trans AM劈一個禮拜先得wor:icon101:

kcc06159 發表於 2011-1-31 00:42:00

原帖由 ken809 於 2011-1-2604:59 PM 發表

但好似要不眠不休開哂Trans AM劈一個禮拜先得wor:icon101:
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查看完整版本: Gundam 00第二季(2)