少理亞媽 發表於 2009-5-12 02:53:12


我玩左3個月左右, 已經有兩個球員自動轉左post, 最奇係佢原本係pg, 我都係放佢打pg, 但係佢無啦啦變左 sg
有一個sg, 我用佢打pg, 但佢之後又無啦啦變左sf, 頂....:icon9:

Kamhung6688 發表於 2009-5-12 05:50:46

If a player is trained in certain area he may change to other position.

but that is a reference only you shd put a player in a post according to his qualities or your training mode.
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 有冇人發覺自己d球員無啦啦唔同左post