[ 本帖最後由 garychan 於 2009-12-2303:48 PM 編輯 ] 希望係 III.15西岸win番個1st
前排名賽季 11 賽季 10 賽季 9 賽季 8 賽季 7 賽季 6 賽季 5 賽季 4 賽季 3 西岸 勝 負 得分 失分 %
1 Hinsen01142 0 182 128 1.000
2 788俱樂部2 0 145 96 1.000
3 洛杉磯快艇2 0 171 153 1.000 <--我個隊~~
4 Jump-a-holics1 1 163 186 0.500
5 1998saw1 1 100 130 0.500
6 gggg0 2 117 138 0.000
7 modiii0 2 157 180 0.000
8 火之星0 2 134 158 0.000
東岸 勝 負 得分 失分 %
1 REAL FRIENDS2 0 206 138 1.000
2 Star Light2 0 203 158 1.000
3 TOMMY_GUN2 0 213 182 1.000
4 Lucky X Five1 1 204 172 0.500
5 9up1 1 178 186 0.500
6 馗鍾魔鬼0 2 180 223 0.000
7 oopk0 2 152 207 0.000
8 BB5010 2 123 193 0.000
回復 21# garychan 的帖子
HiLet's + oil together 原帖由 garychan 於 2009-12-2303:18 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
大家好~~我叫edwin0607(洛杉磯快艇),玩在buzzerbeater差唔多一季~~~係d3.15賽季10得4th,希望賽季11可以win champion 多多指教~~
你好,我係d3.12的bismak@@ 原帖由 garychan 於 2009-12-2303:18 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
大家好~~我叫edwin0607(洛杉磯快艇),玩在buzzerbeater差唔多一季~~~係d3.15賽季10得4th,希望賽季11可以win champion 多多指教~~
多多指教 & 聖誕快樂! 原帖由 bismak 於 2009-12-2311:21 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
多多指教 & 聖誕快樂! 祝平安夜大手交易 Does anyone know anything abt 788? Wish you all a Merry Xmas !
回復 28# FALCONMACAU 的帖子
MERRY CHRISTMAS TOO!HOPE YOU CAN STAY D2.4@@ 原帖由 garychan 於 2009-12-2511:11 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gifMERRY CHRISTMAS TOO!HOPE YOU CAN STAY D2.4@@
Thanks, but i will be back to D3 soon. :onion30: 今日睇番season10對9up的數據時先知,原來我個仔做了mvp,佢只不過薪金5000...:onion2:
[ 本帖最後由 supershake 於 2009-12-2804:57 PM 編輯 ] 原帖由 tommygun 於 2009-12-2512:44 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
Does anyone know anything abt 788?
he seems to be very strong!
he always put his players in the trade market so you can see his players' abilities. 原帖由 po_21 於 2009-12-2805:22 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
he seems to be very strong!
he always put his players in the trade market so you can see his players' abilities.
No worries. Just do your best and miracle happens.
回復 32# po_21 的帖子
OI forgot to record his players abilities...
do u have the copy? 原帖由 tommygun 於 2009-12-2912:13 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
I forgot to record his players abilities...
do u have the copy?
....no ,sorry
just try your best to beat him! JUST BEAT IT~ 788 is selling his players again!!!
though not as many as last time TG 788似出受球員套現喎 觀眾由9000=>6000
今個星期我地有場比賽喎 你地東岸個個Star Light同Lucky X Five 勁唔勁架~~想搵下d料~~
[ 本帖最後由 garychan 於 2010-1-201:57 PM 編輯 ]