回復 20# spring 的帖子
I really worry that being the 6th or 7th in d2 will have less ticket income than being the 1st in d3 原帖由 富仔~ 於 2010-3-102:05 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gifpig1211
不是我同岸:(:icon101: 原帖由 tommygun 於 2010-3-109:14 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
I really worry that being the 6th or 7th in d2 will have less ticket income than being the 1st in d3
more sponsors? better pick? 原帖由 FlyingDonkey 於 2010-3-109:26 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
more sponsors? better pick?
回復 23# FlyingDonkey 的帖子
I mean I am not sure about the effect on fans survey after promotion to D2because currently my team's fans support maintains around 4.5-5
I worry that losing matches in D2 may upset my fans and reduce my income from ticket sales.
Another concern is that my financial condition is quite tight, probably tighter next season.
If income from ticket sales decreases, my team may have net loss every week and eventually run into bankruptcy
回復 24# supershake 的帖子
thx =] 升啦.升好@@$多好多 原帖由 tommygun 於 2010-3-111:26 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gifI mean I am not sure about the effect on fans survey after promotion to D2
because currently my team's fans support maintains around 4.5-5
I worry that losing matches in D2 may upset my fans and reduc ...
就算點唔開心D FANS
搵既錢都會比D3多 而且上左又多50萬使
點解唔升? 咁就升喇!
我要同788 開戰!!! 我升都唔知有冇500k but 788 use中外線ALL THE MATCH~YOU HAVE TO + SOME外DEFENSE FOR HIM 你攻同守都做到6-7都足夠打D2架喇~
welcome to D2.1 ^^" 原帖由 simon127 於 2010-3-204:03 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
welcome to D2.1 ^^"
去D2.1 LA:) 原帖由 fred_yau 於 2010-3-205:59 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
去D2.1 LA:)
回復 35# ok1010 的帖子
的確係要靠少少運先會贏到 原帖由 fred_yau 於 2010-2-2802:24 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif睇你好唔好運
VeKi Magic - 評級報告 - yiu1118
內線快攻戰術 - 進攻策略 - 內線穩攻戰術
人釘人/ 單對單 - 防守戰術 - 2名外線 - 3名內線的聯防
弱 (4) (中) - 外線得分 - 弱 (4) (高)
優秀 (8) (低) - 內線得分 - 強大(9) (低)
中下 (5) (低) - 外線防守 - 差 (3) (低)
及格 (6) (高) - 內線防守 - 及格 (6) (低)
穩定 (7) (低) - 籃板能力 - 穩定 (7) (低)
中下 (5) (中) - 進攻流程 - 差 (3) (高)
挑戰下自己都好啦:icon101: 原帖由 henrytam 於 2010-3-209:06 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
VeKi Magic - 評級報告 - yiu1118
內線快攻戰術 - 進攻策略 - 內線穩攻戰術
人釘人/ 單對單 - 防守戰術 - 2名外線 - 3名內線的聯防
弱 (4) (中) - 外線得分 - 弱 (4) (高)
優秀 (8) (低) - 內線 ...
點解D2.4下游都係勁過中游GE:icon101: 原帖由 富仔~ 於 2010-3-102:05 AM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
可唔可以幫我求佢下場放水俾我:( 原帖由 chunistry 於 2010-3-209:21 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif