無interview 過無得入 ??
就快放榜,好緊張我interview 左 CU geog, city Computer science同 BBA only
請問我呢張 list 入面有邊D科係要in 過先入得嫁 ?
例如 ::city 個 creative media 我聽師兄講無in過就入唔到,所以放左榜之後可以放最後
Priority Course Institution
1 4836 Geography and Resource Management The Chinese University of HK
2 5701 Bachelor of Business Administration The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
3 6717 Bachelor of Social Sciences The University of Hong Kong
4 1119 BBA (Hons) Marketing City University of H K
5 2670 BSSc (Hons) in Communication - Digital Graphic Communication Hong Kong Baptist University
6 4202 Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme The Chinese University of HK
7 1561 BSc (Hons) Computer Science City University of H K
8 2436 BSc (Hons) in Computer Science Hong Kong Baptist University
9 2723 BSSc (Hons) in Geography Hong Kong Baptist University
10 1078 BBA (Hons) Business Economics City University of H K
11 2694 BSSc (Hons) in Communication - Public Relations and Advertising Hong Kong Baptist University
12 2280 BBA (Hons) Concentrations offered: AECON/CBS/FIN/HRM/ISEM/MKT Hong Kong Baptist University
13 1353 BSocSc (Hons) Environmental Policy Studies City University of H K
14 1133 BBA (Hons) Service Operations Management City University of H K
15 3193 HD in Multimedia Design & Technology The H K Polytechnic University
16 1975 Associate of Arts in Media Technology City University of H K
17 1107 BBA (Hons) Human Resources Management City University of H K
18 7307 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Lingnan University
19 1341 BA (Hons) Media and Communication City University of H K
20 1274 BSocSc (Hons) Policy Studies and Administration City University of H K
21 4824 Economics The Chinese University of HK
22 9020 Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology The Open University of Hong Kong
23 2929 BSSc (Hons) in Geography and BEd (Hons) in Liberal Studies Teaching Hong Kong Baptist University
24 1456 BA (Hons) Creative Media City University of H K
25 1470 BA (Hons) Digital Media Broadcasting City University of H K 好多科唔放band a應該冇得in 原帖由 kingdomal 於 2010-6-2813:56 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
我interview 左 CU geog, city Computer science同 BBA only
請問我呢張 list 入面有邊D科係要in 過先入得嫁 ?
例如 ::city 個 creative media 我聽師兄講無in過就入唔到,所以放左 ...
夠分應該唔使理佢使唔使 in
雖然我果時已經係 n 年前 ge 事 ( n < 10 ) :icon101: 1119? 原帖由 炎夏 於 2010-6-3001:45 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif