今日訓練果到係咪出左問題ar?? 我都係咁..:sacchi:狀態全部都係7...冇變 原帖由 Tomtang 於 2011-4-2907:56 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/images/common/back.gif
即係有問題la, 嚇死 :onion50: 等左幾個鐘都未點:onion13: 我仲以為係我個5訓太廢-.- 終於有公告喇!!
We are aware that training has been reported as complete for most countries, but nothing has happened as of yet. We are working to resolve this issue, and will give you an update as soon as we have one. Thank you for your patience.
回復 5# 高考生 的帖子
我都以為係-_-...咩都無加:( 原帖由 wcywcy 於 2011-4-2908:38 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif終於有公告喇!!
We are aware that training has been reported as complete for most countries, but nothing has happened as of yet. We are working to resolve this issue, and will give you an update as soo ...
聽日先睇更新算:onion39: updated, but no changes... 原帖由 tommygun 於 2011-4-2911:23 PM 發表 http://www.hkcmforum.com/images/common/back.gif
updated, but no changes...