痴線, 今年又祖記
正常不過 就尼第五都不保 :(
本帖最後由 國米~魂 於 2016-2-15 07:50 編輯又比人絕殺反cup :(
Telles ,Kondogbia 仲紅埋
轉入直路前,已追上大國際,大叔好波:icon101: 米嚇下半季先發力 我 $%^&%^^
Kondogbia 紅牌追加多一場, 停兩場
因為啱啱可以冇得對 juven :icon032: Official: Palermo re-hire Iachini
兜兜轉轉:icon053: 本帖最後由 講野無point的人 於 2016-2-18 09:32 編輯
國米~魂 發表於 2016-2-17 00:27
我 $%^&%^^
Kondogbia 紅牌追加多一場, 停兩場
Inter's Geoffrey Kondogbia was suspended for two Serie A games for sarcastically applauding the referee at the end of the match, while Alex Telles skips one game due to his red card, and so does Gary Medel, who reached his fifth booking.
見仁見智 講野無point的人 發表於 2016-2-18 09:31
Inter's Geoffrey Kondogbia was suspended for two Serie A games for sarcastically applauding the r ...