有冇人想買Ipod mini
原來都係$17xx :o但我個人覺得太過娜 :o 同c/p值係咁多代中最低(低容量)
想買既,可以先睇下Ipod 第四代 :icon065:
20G: 299美元,40 G: 399美元
仲有一樣:連續播放時間由前代的8小時提升為12小時。充電時間約4小時 我想買20gb ipod~ 等我trade走部舊i-Pod先算... :icon035: 等我trade走部舊i-Pod先算... :icon035:
你幾時買左咖@@? 你幾時買左咖@@?
mo tell u jar ma... 第一代? i bought ipod 4 finally :D i bought ipod 4 finally :D
正阿 :icon065: 正阿 :icon065:
but dun really know how to use:o
is it a must to use ITUNES to transfer song to ipod ?
after i transfer songs to ipod buy itunes
when i transfer some photos to it , all the songs gone:o
anyone can help me:o 我想買部40gb呢,宜家諗緊要hi-md定佢好...不過行得十二粒鐘好似太少了,仲要充四粒鐘先得...話事話佢粒電有無得換架呢:confused: 唔係我驚好快玩完呢:icon064:
仲有有無人知ipod d音質得唔得呢 :confused: but dun really know how to use:o
is it a must to use ITUNES to transfer song to ipod ?
after i transfer songs to ipod buy itunes
when i transfer some photos to it , all the songs gone:o
anyone can help me:o
唔知 :o 你買返部比我試 :o:icon101:
我想買部40gb呢,宜家諗緊要hi-md定佢好...不過行得十二粒鐘好似太少了,仲要充四粒鐘先得...話事話佢粒電有無得換架呢:confused: 唔係我驚好快玩完呢:icon064:
仲有有無人知ipod d音質得唔得呢 :confused:
你預左兩日一次電羅(日日用,同電話一起打媽 :icon101: ),
ipod音質係所有mp3機最好,第二才是irivar but dun really know how to use:o
is it a must to use ITUNES to transfer song to ipod ?
after i transfer songs to ipod buy itunes
when i transfer some photos to it , all the songs gone:o
anyone can help me:o
if u 've downloaded add-on..
Real Player also can.. 我想買部40gb呢,宜家諗緊要hi-md定佢好...不過行得十二粒鐘好似太少了,仲要充四粒鐘先得...話事話佢粒電有無得換架呢:confused: 唔係我驚好快玩完呢:icon064:
仲有有無人知ipod d音質得唔得呢 :confused:
i-pod is better....
cuz u can use it to backup files... :icon101:
but i seldom take it out with me..
when i was not at home,i usually use Sony Net-MD..... 有無d講i-pod的網睇下呢 :confused: if u 've downloaded add-on..
Real Player also can..
but i dunno y...
i transfer songs to my ipod through itunes at first
then i transfer some files like photos to my ipod ( i hv to change the itunes setting to 'MANUALLY XXXX ' ) . after that , all the songs gone and i can find my photos only:o did i make sth wrong:o ic...
but i dunno y...
i transfer songs to my ipod through itunes at first
then i transfer some files like photos to my ipod ( i hv to change the itunes setting to 'MANUALLY XXXX ' ) . after that , all the songs gone and i can find my photos only:o did i make sth wrong:o
so strange... :eek:
i've never tried it before.. :icon101: so strange... :eek:
i've never tried it before.. :icon101:
wt the:o
let me ask others thx :) 真係有d興趣,知知係邊度買好呢,講埋地址唔該 :o
仲有其實d電足唔足12小時呢,有o既都可以買了 :icon065: 我買o左la~~, 好正ar, d音色好好, 又唔太重, 買埋個silicon 套仲可以掛頸tim~~ 我買o左la~~, 好正ar, d音色好好, 又唔太重, 買埋個silicon 套仲可以掛頸tim~~
我都買o左個40gb了,係唔錯,係d bass好似差d,果套點樣架??有無人知佢要另外買果個耳筒d音得唔得呢 :confused: