where can i buy this now?
http://hk.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1104455622?aucview=0x23quite old..
jason kidd..
i dun mind the colour
thx:icon029: :eek: 孫輝九五:confused::icon040:
我勸你都係網上搵啦:icon101::o :eek: 孫輝九五:confused::icon040:
dun want second hand:icon029:
or do u guys hv other recommendation of basketball shoes
my requirement is looking not bad and light:icon029: dun want second hand:icon029:
or do u guys hv other recommendation of basketball shoes
my requirement is looking not bad and light:icon029:
my shoes list:
Nike Flight Huarache (white x yellow)
Adidas T-Mac 3.5 (Olympic Edition)
Adidas Kobe II(silver)
New Balance BB800 (James Worthy) T-Mac : US$89
Flight : US$95
Kobe 2: HK$400
NB: 50 pounds...
:icon065::icon065: T-Mac : US$89
Flight : US$95
Kobe 2: HK$400
NB: 50 pounds...
t mac is cool and not really expensive
can i buy it in hk:confused: t mac is cool and not really expensive
can i buy it in hk:confused:
dont know..
i bought the t-mac through internet ga.. dont know..
i bought the t-mac through internet ga..
thx:icon029: a3 superstar Ultra. a3 superstar Ultra.
:confused: :confused:
:confused: :confused:
i dont know these shoes...
are they basketball shoes? :confused: iccc
睇左有咩decision..come back and report ar.. :icon101: photo??
i dont know these shoes...
are they basketball shoes? :confused:
:D :D
thx. :) 睇左有咩decision..come back and report ar.. :icon101:
tmac da best :icon029: tmac da best :icon029:
好少T-Mac 3.5 Olympic edition in Hong Kong http://hk.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1106742011?aucview=0x23
好少T-Mac 3.5 Olympic edition in Hong Kong
gotta hv a look tmr:icon029: