bobby_zamora 發表於 2004-8-2 01:06:42

cannot use icq as usual

弾個warning window出黎

乜乜C++ problem

bobby_zamora 發表於 2004-8-2 01:10:04

canot post pic
what "Runtime eror of visuall c++"

杰少仔 發表於 2004-8-2 01:15:22

run ICQ DB Administrator

bobby_zamora 發表於 2004-8-2 01:16:35

run ICQ DB Administrator
need to DL
or ?

rain12180 發表於 2004-8-2 01:46:10

我都run唔到..... :(

stephenlion 發表於 2004-8-2 02:30:44

need to DL
or ?
no need
start -> program->icq-> DB admin

rain12180 發表於 2004-8-2 18:02:14

my case 係login個時佢話....
the operation cannot be completed at this time.
ICQ will now exit.
The dedault settings for ICQ will now be restored.
Info no. 257
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