我都想買air max!! :icon065: 我都想買air max!! :icon065:
the first pair is better than the second.. the first pair is better than the second..
第2成對跑鞋咁 :icon029: 第2成對跑鞋咁 :icon029:
but i dont like the One neither.. :icon097: :icon075:
but i dont like the One neither.. :icon097:
u don't like air max? u don't like air max?
dont like Nike hi-tech style shoes.. dont like Nike hi-tech style shoes..
like old skool? like old skool?
u can say so...
but what's ur definaion of 'old school sneakers'?
dont like sneakers with uncover air bag, and sneakers looks like Adidas forum,Puma Suede....etc.. Air Jordan lor
agree~ :icon007: agree~ :icon007:
~ :icon065: 11~