我裝隻game個陣...佢彈左個咁既messageError 1720.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.A script required for this install to complete could not be run.Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
點先可以搞掂呀.. reinstall Windows Installer
Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000
Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows 95, 98, and Me
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=CEBBACD8-C094-4255-B702-DE3BB768148F 我裝個陣佢話"應用程或無法使用這個OS或OS版本".. CM碟同Office碟都有 CM碟同Office碟都有
用隻game碟入面果個都係咁??...=.= 應該有兩個 exe
兩個都試過? 應該有兩個 exe
係呀... 我記得 Office 果個唔知係咪強制 問題一:
一、所有使用installer安裝的程式,均不能正常安裝,提示:“不能訪問windows installer 服務。可能你在安全模式下運行 windows ,或者windows installer 沒有正確的安裝。請和你的支持人員聯繫以獲得幫助”
二、察看windows installer服務,一般為停用。如果試圖在service中啟用,有時會發現,被系統禁用,再啟動,提示:“指定的服務已標記為刪除”
The MSI Installer can be a real pain. It may be that one of the files required by it is corrupt. Here's what you do. Run msiexec /unregserver again. Then delete msiexec.exe from the system32 directory. Potentially, you could rerun the install at this point but for some reason this doesn't always work. Instead, download a fresh copy of the windows installer, use an unzipping tool to extract it, go into the folder and manually install from the inf files. To do this, right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recreate the service.
一、先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服務。
三、右擊msi.inf ,點擊安裝,右擊mspatcha.inf ,點擊安裝。
四、再用msiexec.exe /regserver 啟用服務。
以上的問題解決後,在我安裝vpc的時候,又碰到這個問題:Error -1607: Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Run Time
所以我下載並更新了IkernelUpdate.exe and IsScript7x.zip...問題就解決了。
轉貼自 http://www.blueidea.com/computer/soft/2003/1281.asp 我開某d程式個陣(兔仔系統檢測、MP3Gain等...)
windows installer會狂飛出黎叫我入碟修正Microsoft FrontPage...勁煩~逼我停用