RBK Ice Cream報告
N.E.R.D既成員Pharrell Williams Neptunes同Bathin' Bape主腦Nigo係倫敦宣傳新的 Ice Cream x Pharrell x RBK合作鞋款.而未來2年,將陸續有新款推出.而呢系列既sneaker..會係全球某一d selected store先有得買.
但換黎英國鞋迷的劣評..以下係英國殿堂級潮流鞋舖Crooked Tongues既comment:
"I'm not feeling the design of these shoes...or don't I get it? The diamonds representing ice and the dollar sign representing the cream? These will probably sell by the truckload regardless of the look. There are rumours of a $200.00 retail price, which I'm finding hard to justify. No technology, no extras - just a fancy box." :icon101:
但據我估計...呢series既鞋..係Asia將受大力追捧.. :icon101: o係concept shop一早睇過....
唔掂 麻麻.... nigo.......... :icon101::icon101::icon062: green 唔錯wo :icon101: 綠色個對個 feel 勁似 d 壽衣 ..:icon101: ......... :icon068: who will buy:icon101: who will buy:icon101:
仿JP ge HK人