Always online for a while and then offline .. what's wrong with it .. Always online for a while and then offline .. what's wrong with it ..ICQ神左:o I cant send msg to others but i can be online, it said
" You cannot establish a Peer to Peer connection with the other user . Please check your ICQ Peer ti oeer and firewall settings and try again . If the difficulties continue , the problem may be with the other user's Icq Peer to Peer ot firewall settings "
It always go offline after few minutes online .
please help hv you installed any firewall? hv you installed any firewall?
original windows xp that one maybe 你要 allow ICQ
(I have no experience on using the original one) 我都想知點解我部o野用唔到icq 2go的... :confused: (用緊sp2) 連 msn 都係敢
之前打過去 icare 佢地話上水區部主機有 d 問題 .. 我都想知點解我部o野用唔到icq 2go的... :confused: (用緊sp2)
你 block 左 pop-up? 你 block 左 pop-up?
開返都唔得 :(