Do You Love Me?
Hi...i am John.This is my first time to meet a girl who call Mary. The first question i asked her is, do you love me? and she answer me yes i do.we get married and then we will have a great moment.
thank you all! this is my story, do you like it? 粉 不錯的一個故仔 :o 夠哂簡單直接 :o 反應咁熱烈...我唸我要出第二集了...大家期待嗎? 反應咁熱烈...我唸我要出第二集了...大家期待嗎?
熱切期待 :icon040: 故仔:icon062: 下 :icon101: 正 :icon032::icon017::icon075: 故仔:icon062:
短文都接近d丫~ :icon064: 短文都接近d丫~ :icon064:
我icq info分分鐘長過佢 :o:o 作故區真係有希望啦 :o 作故區真係有希望啦 :o有兩大新秀,一中一英 :icon065: 你d grmmar正到丫 :icon040: 有兩大新秀,一中一英 :icon065:
個位係中文major黎架... 有兩大新秀,一中一英 :icon065:
好串a :icon101:
但真係正wor :icon101: 個位係中文major黎架...所以話佢正.......
真心讚ga................ :icon116::icon116: