yuren 發表於 2004-9-20 13:15:21


唔知點樣將d game 裝去手機
d games係 .rar 同 .jar file~

LuisEnrique 發表於 2004-9-20 23:20:21

唔知點樣將d game 裝去手機
d games係 .rar 同 .jar file~
Which brand?
nec n820?

yuren 發表於 2004-9-21 00:29:33

se k700i :p

三都主肥輝 發表於 2004-9-21 10:57:37

right click the jar file
傳送到--> BlueTooth --> K700i
save in the game folder~
no need install~~ :p:)

yuren 發表於 2004-9-21 12:20:20

right click the jar file
傳送到--> BlueTooth --> K700i
save in the game folder~
no need install~~ :p:)
唔該哂~ :icon017:
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