How can I remove those dam* things?
I hate them so much , always appear in my IE . 去新增/移除個度看看有冇呢個野uninstaller再唔得既用adaware SE scan佢 use jor addware 都唔得
隻野好狗 .. lock 個 site 冇用 , 家下仲唔比我 click the close button Is it a part of the Alexa Toolbar? 一定唔係......
ie toolbar 揀走上面
等 Adaware update..... 同時兩面受敵
好死乞人憎 , 下面果個直頭 close 唔到
好想炸 q 左 d 廣廣網佢 我中過呢個...唔知點先中.... :icon110:
開頭試左ad-ware , 再去regedit 搵都唔得
所以format係最好 :icon088: 用灑av,antitrojan掃佢 :o 我中過呢個...唔知點先中.... :icon110:
開頭試左ad-ware , 再去regedit 搵都唔得
所以format係最好 :icon088:
唔洗format 掛 :eek::o To format is never a great matter 我中過呢個...唔知點先中.... :icon110:
開頭試左ad-ware , 再去regedit 搵都唔得
所以format係最好 :icon088:
Don kid me .. It's a iexplore.exe .. how could I terminate it lei ..:icon008: