giggs903 發表於 2004-10-22 17:26:59

RM 檔的問題

點解成日有d rm檔成日要改檔名先行到(唔係簡體都要),仲有放入某d file 度又會播唔到 o既 :confused: 用緊realplayer10=.=

vctwl 發表於 2004-10-22 19:24:22


未 download 完?
要 codec? (Real 出果 d)

giggs903 發表於 2004-10-22 20:04:13


未 download 完?
要 codec? (Real 出果 d)

唔係呢...我放去第二d file又睇到啊 :icon088:

vctwl 發表於 2004-10-22 21:00:07

Can you post the pic?

giggs903 發表於 2004-10-23 00:02:37

Can you post the pic?\

vctwl 發表於 2004-10-23 12:48:53

Can you get "More Information"?
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