請問係咪即係winning 8既英文版, 如果唔係, 咁幾時會出英文版 係WE8既歐版:o 咁請問出o左未, 同埋pique 同rossi 係咪已經o係曼聯 咁請問出o左未, 同埋pique 同rossi 係咪已經o係曼聯今個月出
Pique 同 Rossi 唔係一線隊, 一定唔會有 (自己 edit 啦) :o 咁請問出o左未, 同埋pique 同rossi 係咪已經o係曼聯
10月中已經出左PS2版:o 今個月出
Pique 同 Rossi 唔係一線隊, 一定唔會有 (自己 edit 啦) :o
Maybe not,
I have seen someone get Rossi in Man U in some screenshots 問題係,電腦版可唔可以Online 打? 問題係,電腦版可唔可以Online 打?
可以:icon032: 11 月 29 號出 :o Maybe not,
I have seen someone get Rossi in Man U in some screenshots
我就係見過screen , 想知係咪新版出o左
p.s 我要既係ps2 版 PES Demo out.
Please visit ISS Forum to get further information.
Thank you 有Pique同Rossi,反而Rooney重係Everton... :icon011: 我install果時有d問題 to those playing we8 (on ps2) (i'm playing pes4 on xb)
i think they are much the same... my question is
what is "ML starting points"? how many points i can set after buy in the pes shop...
thanks :icon108: Hala Madrid在 2004-12-10 10:41 AM 發表:
to those playing we8 (on ps2) (i'm playing pes4 on xb)
i think they are much the same... my question is
what is "ML starting points"? how many points i can set after buy in the pes ...
最多50000:o 基維蝦在 2004-12-10 10:04 PM 發表:
Garcias :icon035: