[激~!]PES4 Demo on PC Released~! (BT)
:icon040::icon040::icon040: http://download.online.sh.cn/show.php?soft_id=32654http direct link
can open car BTed
my computer crashed while running the game...
but the graphic seems good
i thought the kits are licensed? why are there flags on the kits but no realbrands on the kits?
nevermind BTed
my computer crashed while running the game...
but the graphic seems good
i thought the kits are licensed? why are there flags on the kits but no realbrands on the kits?
NO national teams are licensed except Japan and South Korea
So, if you wanna get real kits and real brand, please edit yourself or just download some patch Actually, the game is quite good that the gk is way better than the previous versions, and the player physics were better than the past.
However, the running motion is kinda bad i think, some people in SG said the running motion is just like fifa series.... yeah, this version is really great
but i think it might be my computer's problem
i cant complete a match (well i know it can be played 45 mins only)
it crashed during the game
the screen is freezed
i pressed ctrl + alt + del
but nothing happened
so bad i cant play pes4/winning 8 in my computer! damn it!
i got
P4 1.5ghz
256 DDR ram
Geforce FX 5200
and i turned off all background program
the only program running is the game!
how come it could crash!
WHY WHY WHY!!!!???
i am not happy with that!
:( 我比較擔心人人用不用patch,如何netplay 有冇得踢全場? :o 我比較擔心人人用不用patch,如何netplay
I think using patch can have internet games,
but only roster update.
The Updated data is from the host...
So , net play is okay, but don't imagine they can have real kits. 有冇得踢全場? :o
only half match I think using patch can have internet games,
but only roster update.
The Updated data is from the host...
So , net play is okay, but don't imagine they can have real kits.
你要知Winning 唔同FIFA,NBALive
連Roster都可能要改動個PES4.exe........ 你要知Winning 唔同FIFA,NBALive
Maybe not
option files....
BUt maybe online games need to make the setting to defualt so the game is more balanced. Maybe not
option files....
BUt maybe online games need to make the setting to defualt so the game is more balanced.
現在NBA live 05咪就係咁用唔到roster :icon083:
PS: PES3同WE7:I都係要改動執行檔.. 現在NBA live 05咪就係咁用唔到roster :icon083:
PS: PES3同WE7:I都係要改動執行檔..
Are there any patch for WE7i without any team change? just only kits update i mean Ok
Are there any patch for WE7i without any team change? just only kits update i mean
好多,個時玩都整左好耐我先開始玩 :icon068:
加返個roster就可 好多,個時玩都整左好耐我先開始玩 :icon068:
Okay thx
Can you recommand me some, or could you send me your patch...
Thx Okay thx
Can you recommand me some, or could you send me your patch...
等PES4吧喇你 :icon101: 等PES4吧喇你 :icon101:
Ha ha....:icon110: