辣椒仔 發表於 2004-11-30 02:25:51


paypal 有冇人識用

P.Chou 發表於 2004-11-30 19:29:19


辣椒仔 發表於 2004-11-30 20:01:30

可以講一講係點樣send money ma?
and sign up0個度應該choose personal or business?

肥仔麟 發表於 2004-11-30 21:11:34

想係ebay bid 野 ? :confused:

ar_U 發表於 2004-11-30 21:33:58

可以講一講係點樣send money ma?
and sign up0個度應該choose personal or business?
記得好似打seller 既 email a/c然後打amount
personal la
以上D野唔肯定, 成大半年無bid個野 :o ,個a/c封左塵 :o

辣椒仔 發表於 2004-11-30 21:45:49

must have credit card?

辣椒仔 發表於 2004-11-30 21:46:20

想係ebay bid 野 ? :confused:

ar_U 發表於 2004-11-30 22:08:50

must have credit card?
唔係, 不過有既話方便好多

熱刺#29戴維斯 發表於 2004-11-30 22:29:50

唔係, 不過有既話方便好多
:eek: 冇credit card都可以用paypal?

nakata710 發表於 2004-11-30 22:35:35

:eek: 冇credit card都可以用paypal?
係law...我都唔知tim :icon088::icon110:

ar_U 發表於 2004-11-30 22:47:51

係law...我都唔知tim :icon088::icon110:
:eek: 冇credit card都可以用paypal?

可以係saving a/c add fund落去個paypal a/c到ga....
不過好似要用US bank

辣椒仔 發表於 2004-11-30 22:59:36

即係有對方既e mail 就ok?

ar_U 發表於 2004-11-30 23:15:00

即係有對方既e mail 就ok?
你bid 贏左佢會email返比你知, 你跟住佢做就得

熱刺#29戴維斯 發表於 2004-12-21 21:40:54


HackerWong 發表於 2004-12-21 21:52:33

熱刺#29戴維斯在 21-12-04 09:40 PM 發表:



熱刺#29戴維斯 發表於 2004-12-21 22:20:01

HackerWong在 21-12-2004 09:52 PM 發表:


GD :icon100::icon100:

p.s :icon101: 你幫到手碼? :icon030:

HackerWong 發表於 2004-12-21 23:33:51

熱刺#29戴維斯在 21-12-04 10:20 PM 發表:

GD :icon100::icon100:

p.s :icon101: 你幫到手碼? :icon030:

what do u want??:icon062:

熱刺#29戴維斯 發表於 2004-12-22 00:08:03

HackerWong在 21-12-2004 11:33 PM 發表:

what do u want??:icon062:

:icon030:help me pay the payment by paypal
:icon111: i hv account bu no paypal:icon100:

HackerWong 發表於 2004-12-22 00:18:01

熱刺#29戴維斯在 22-12-04 12:08 AM 發表:

:icon030:help me pay the payment by paypal
:icon111: i hv account bu no paypal:icon100:

ICQ me tomorrow... :)

熱刺#29戴維斯 發表於 2004-12-22 00:19:32

HackerWong在 22-12-2004 12:18 AM 發表:

ICQ me tomorrow... :)

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