icq 睇中文???
我而家用緊英文版window...icq睇唔到中文....有冇辦法 :confused: ???
唔該晒!!!! :D 我而家用緊英文版window...
icq睇唔到中文....有冇辦法 :confused: ???
唔該晒!!!! :D
reinstall the tradition chinese version of windows~:o :icon101: 試下去 Preferences -> Misc. -> Language -> 第二個 Chinese(Taiwan) reinstall the tradition chinese version of windows~:o :icon101:
keep 住個window 又可以睇中文..... 試下去 Preferences -> Misc. -> Language -> 第二個 Chinese(Taiwan)
message 就睇到中文....
不過name list lee 名就仲係"???" 咁樣
anyway thx you !! message 就睇到中文....
不過name list lee 名就仲係"???" 咁樣
anyway thx you !!
試下裝mui睇下囉... 1. "Control Panel" "Regional and Language Setting" 度 advanced 的 "Language for non-Unicode Programs" 選 "Chinese HKSAR"
2. Preferences -> Misc. -> Language -> 第二個 Chinese(Taiwan) 試下裝mui睇下囉...
雖然我唔知mui 係咩, anyway thx ...!!
因為我用FlyingDonkey方法搞掂左....!!! 1. "Control Panel" "Regional and Language Setting" 度 advanced 的 "Language for non-Unicode Programs" 選 "Chinese HKSAR"
2. Preferences -> Misc. -> Language -> 第二個 Chinese(Taiwan)
掂左...thx... 萬二分thx !!! :D