Richard Hamilton
今日射10球...炒哂:icon063: Richard Hamilton missed all 10 of his shots from the field but made 14 free throws to lead the Pistons. It's the first time in NBA history that a player has led his team in scoring without making a field goal. :icon101::icon101: 勁~ 啞左...:icon101: NBA新紀錄:icon101: ``I never thought I would have to coach effort,'' Pistons coach Larry Brown said. ``I've never had to do that in my entire life, and this is the last group that I expected to have to do it with.真係百年一遇:icon101: 可見尋日活塞班友打得幾差...
今年作客先識贏波:icon110: Originally posted by Liverman at 2005-1-8 01:41 PM:
今日緊係俾人鬧完之後先發神經同人鬥高分.....:icon101: 今日回勇啦~