yuren 發表於 2005-4-16 12:36:16



initial 發表於 2005-4-16 13:55:07

Originally posted by yuren at 2005-4-16 12:36 PM:


嘩~~ 巧型呢~~~:icon083::icon083:

另外, 請問點set itunes , 先可以係一開windowns 就自動開埋 itunes ar?? thx~~

杰少仔 發表於 2005-4-16 14:32:41

Originally posted by initial at 2005-4-16 01:55 PM:

嘩~~ 巧型呢~~~:icon083::icon083:

另外, 請問點set itunes , 先可以係一開windowns 就自動開埋 itunes ar?? thx~~

initial 發表於 2005-4-16 15:35:33

Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-4-16 02:32 PM:


係ar, 但我搵唔到ar.........

Tommy 發表於 2005-4-17 08:20:13

i pod幾時會出新一代呢


bobby_zamora 發表於 2005-4-19 00:38:44

if reli buy
iPOD or Ipod mini is better..?

and is it gd to order it in apple.com?

沉睡的藍 發表於 2005-4-20 03:41:18

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-19 00:38:
if reli buy
iPOD or Ipod mini is better..?

and is it gd to order it in apple.com?


杰少仔 發表於 2005-4-20 09:15:09

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-19 12:38 AM:
if reli buy
iPOD or Ipod mini is better..?

and is it gd to order it in apple.com?

Ipod 4 lor
不過就一個notebook hdd,一個就microdrive (微型hdd)

bobby_zamora 發表於 2005-4-20 11:12:59

Originally posted by 沉睡的藍 at 2005-4-20 03:41 AM:

too big to be handed at the neck

bobby_zamora 發表於 2005-4-20 11:14:02

Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-4-20 09:15 AM:


Ipod 4 lor
不過就一個notebook hdd,一個就microdrive (微型hdd)
Ipod 4..
how many Gb??? :icon081:

杰少仔 發表於 2005-4-20 13:32:51

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-20 11:14 AM:

Ipod 4..
how many Gb??? :icon081:

RobertoBaggio 發表於 2005-4-20 16:35:04

我想問ipod shuffle係咪會出部有FM功能既版本ga?
p.s. i am not talking about "super shuffle"......

cmh_2002 發表於 2005-4-20 18:03:10

Originally posted by RobertoBaggio at 2005-4-20 04:35 PM:
我想問ipod shuffle係咪會出部有FM功能既版本ga?
p.s. i am not talking about "super shuffle"......

cmh_2002 發表於 2005-4-20 18:04:19

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-20 11:12 AM:

too big to be handed at the neck

bobby_zamora 發表於 2005-4-20 20:49:31

Originally posted by cmh_2002 at 2005-4-20 06:04 PM:

how about handing a ipod mini?

cmh_2002 發表於 2005-4-20 21:09:56

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-20 08:49 PM:

how about handing a ipod mini?

cnwong 發表於 2005-4-20 21:18:31

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-19 00:38:
if reli buy
iPOD or Ipod mini is better..?

and is it gd to order it in apple.com?
Iriver is better but more expensive:icon101::icon101:

bobby_zamora 發表於 2005-4-21 16:38:33

Originally posted by cmh_2002 at 2005-4-20 09:09 PM:

in fact
how big is it

cmh_2002 發表於 2005-4-21 17:36:24

Originally posted by cnwong at 2005-4-20 09:18 PM:

Iriver is better but more expensive:icon101::icon101:

cmh_2002 發表於 2005-4-21 17:36:46

Originally posted by bobby_zamora at 2005-4-21 04:38 PM:

in fact
how big is it
MINI OR IPOD?:icon091:
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