how to play DVD in computer
i can use windows media player to play VCDbut for DVD, i can't PowerDVD, WinDVD etc 你有冇DVD rom ar?:icon101: can I use Real player?
I found "DVD" this word in Real player, but don't know how to use 你冇dvd rom好似睇唔到dvd 碟 ~! Originally posted by klinskan at 2005-1-27 08:28 PM:
你冇dvd rom好似睇唔到dvd 碟 ~!
u're right :o Originally posted by 阿爆 at 2005-1-28 02:31 AM:
u're right :o
I saw "DVD" this word in drive 你係播DVD碟定DVD image先:o :icon119: 老番? :o try update firmware