thx... CM 勁正 個人不知道fm是不是比較好玩,但呢隻cm似乎有唔唔少bug,而且遊戲速度也不見得怎麼快。 Originally posted by linngai at 12-4-2005 04:20:個人不知道fm是不是比較好玩,但呢隻cm似乎有唔唔少bug,而且遊戲速度也不見得怎麼快。
起碼我玩到2010年, 佢load 野我都唔覺得耐
but FM去到2010年就.........
可能係我部computer 屎卦... CM, you should try both and make a comparsion very fast FM 好玩 FM,今集既CM真係比以前差好多,well,可能因為FM太好玩既關係吧^^
單係無球員相,已經令到我無mood玩,只係我個人意見onli^^唔好見怪!!~ isto muchbug inside the game!!!!
also "DATA" is notreally good cm :icon032: FM! 原帖由 121212 於 2005-5-1402:34 AM 發表
係因為而家o既FM先係以前o既CM o既關係 隻games (c m 2007)正,我買左,玩緊
:icon043::正..............:icon89: cm冇左個database,得番個skin
變左要用機器亂作數據唔好玩 原帖由 tszkin2004 於 2006-11-1812:51 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
唔係得番個Skin , 係得番Championship Manager 呢個名... CM 2008 the best thing I like is the "Simulate World" function.
Just hope FM series can add has this function... Simulate World 有什么用啊 原帖由 rbst 於 2007-11-1705:38 AM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
Simulate World 有什么用啊
It simulates other non-playing leagues results and awards, it's not useful... but a better sense of reality. 原帖由 marktse 於 2007-11-2102:04 PM 發表 http://hkcm.hkehost.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
It simulates other non-playing leagues results and awards, it's not useful... but a better sense of reality.
用呢個function 先顯得"唔真實"呢~~~~