Liverman 發表於 2005-4-6 15:52:25


由上年總決賽大熱, 搖身一變成為樂透抽波仔一分子:icon110::icon064:

E神&Jay 發表於 2005-4-6 16:02:54


henrytam 發表於 2005-4-6 18:23:13


orphenus 發表於 2005-4-6 20:58:42





SamiHyyyyyyyia 發表於 2005-4-6 22:02:35

lottery pick!
lottery pick!:icon101:

Dioray 發表於 2005-4-6 23:53:31

好可惜,湖人今年係無First Round Pick﹗

WainSeven 發表於 2005-4-7 00:07:13

Originally posted by Dioray at 2005-4-6 11:53 PM:
好可惜,湖人今年係無First Round Pick﹗
有就肯定有(from heats)

p.s. 有冇人理解到下面段野點解?:icon099:
Boston receives a 2005 Los Angeles Lakers first-round pick. (Gary Payton trade 080604) If the Lakers make the playoffs, than Boston receives their pick and Atlanta gets Boston's, from the Antoine Walker deal. (Atlanta gets the worse of the two.) However, if the Lakers don't make the playoffs, the Hawks receive nothing in 2005 and the Celtics keep their own pick. The Celtics will continue to recieve the better of the two picks (theirs and the Lakers') in the year the pick becomes available. The pick is protected through 10 in 2006 and through 5 in 2007. Note: the Celtics have Cleveland's first rounder from the Welsch trade in 2007, so Atlanta will get a pick from Boston no later than that year.

p.p.s我錯了, 熱火o個個好似唔係今年:icon101:

[ Last edited by WainSeven on 7-4-2005 at 12:11 AM ]

沉睡的藍 發表於 2005-4-7 02:15:27

簡單講,湖人個pick如果好過celtics果個 (應該都會啦)
而celtics果個差d 既pick就歸湖人所有

沉睡的藍 發表於 2005-4-7 02:16:00

Originally posted by henrytam at 2005-4-6 18:23:

拖連奴壓倒祖雲達斯的nba version

WainSeven 發表於 2005-4-7 02:42:14

Originally posted by 沉睡的藍 at 2005-4-7 02:15 AM:
簡單講,湖人個pick如果好過celtics果個 (應該都會啦)
而celtics果個差d 既pick就歸湖人所有
最衰有lottery protected:icon099: (應該有掛.....:icon101:)

Eggio 發表於 2005-4-7 03:14:20

Originally posted by WainSeven at 2005-4-7 12:07 AM:
p.s. 有冇人理解到下面段野點解?
Boston receives a 2005 Los Angeles Lakers first-round pick. (Gary Payton trade 080604) If the Lakers make the playoffs, than Boston receives their pick and Atlanta gets Boston's, from the Antoine Walker deal. (Atlanta gets the worse of the two.) However, if the Lakers don't make the playoffs, the Hawks receive nothing in 2005 and the Celtics keep their own pick. The Celtics will continue to recieve the better of the two picks (theirs and the Lakers') in the year the pick becomes available. The pick is protected through 10 in 2006 and through 5 in 2007. Note: the Celtics have Cleveland's first rounder from the Welsch trade in 2007, so Atlanta will get a pick from Boston no later than that year.

WainSeven 發表於 2005-4-7 03:27:44

Originally posted by Eggio at 2005-4-7 03:14 AM:

The Celtics will continue to recieve the better of the two picks (theirs and the Lakers') in the year the pick becomes available.喎:confused:

Hakkinen 發表於 2005-4-7 03:31:32

Originally posted by 沉睡的藍 at 2005-4-7 02:16 AM:

拖連奴壓倒祖雲達斯的nba version
曼城壓倒曼聯 :icon111:

Eggio 發表於 2005-4-7 03:38:34

Originally posted by WainSeven at 2005-4-7 03:27 AM:

The Celtics will continue to recieve the better of the two picks (theirs and the Lakers') in the year the pick becomes available.喎:confused:
如果無pick Lakers睇怕都幾難重建:o

btw,而前呢度d Lakers "fans"去駛邊???:icon101:

henrytam 發表於 2005-4-7 05:05:32

Originally posted by Eggio at 2005-4-7 03:38 AM:

如果無pick Lakers睇怕都幾難重建:o

btw,而前呢度d Lakers "fans"去駛邊???:icon101:


stephenlion 發表於 2005-4-7 07:02:45

Originally posted by Eggio at 2005-4-7 03:38 AM:

如果無pick Lakers睇怕都幾難重建:o

btw,而前呢度d Lakers "fans"去駛邊???:icon101:

Hakkinen 發表於 2005-4-7 10:47:27

Originally posted by Eggio at 2005-4-7 03:38 AM:

如果無pick Lakers睇怕都幾難重建:o

btw,而前呢度d Lakers "fans"去駛邊???:icon101:

Liverman 發表於 2005-4-7 11:04:42

Originally posted by Eggio at 2005-4-7 03:38 AM:

如果無pick Lakers睇怕都幾難重建:o

btw,而前呢度d Lakers "fans"去駛邊???:icon101: 最記得都係拜神個...

Hakkinen 發表於 2005-4-7 11:16:08

Originally posted by Liverman at 2005-4-7 11:04 AM:
咁同爆名冇咩分別 :icon101::icon101::icon101:
拜神o個個真係 :icon040::icon040::icon040::icon040:

Eggio 發表於 2005-4-7 22:38:18

Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-4-7 11:16 AM:

咁同爆名冇咩分別 :icon101::icon101::icon101:
拜神o個個真係 :icon040::icon040::icon040::icon040:
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