Injury List
其實將個球員擺入IL... 會有乜特別 :confused:好似Bulls咁... Deng要做手術, 有排都唔出得; Curry冇入IL, 但因為仲check緊, 所以一樣有排唔出得
咁放入IL同唔放有乜分別 :confused:
同埋乜野叫day-to-day :icon091: (我知呢樣野係每日觀察... 但點解要特別話俾人聽一個球員係day-to-day?) if put the player in injury list,that player must stop playing 5 matchs!!
if does not put in IL,then when player will recover,he can play again in anytime! Originally posted by louis902 at 13-4-2005 03:29 PM:
if put the player in injury list,that player must stop playing 5 matchs!!
if does not put in IL,then when player will recover,he can play again in anytime!
同埋我印象中playoffs只可以register 12個員,
如果放入IL,playoffs就唔可以出場 Originally posted by louis902 at 2005-4-13 15:29:
if put the player in injury list,that player must stop playing 5 matchs!!
if does not put in IL,then when player will recover,he can play again in anytime!
咁平時點解要擺人入IL :confused:
唔係唔擺仲好咩 :confused: Originally posted by Newcastle Fans at 2005-4-13 17:36:
咁平時點解要擺人入IL :confused:
唔係唔擺仲好咩 :confused:
咁咪可以調另一個替補球員上黎囉:o Originally posted by Newcastle Fans at 13-4-2005 05:36 PM:
咁平時點解要擺人入IL :confused:
唔係唔擺仲好咩 :confused:
就要放番d唔用o既球員落IL day-to-day係解球員得一半上陣機會,呢個詞語令fantasy玩家有一個調整的警號 其實,唔少係injured list既球員其實乜傷都無~