Setup Network問題
我想問下如果一部機係行ME, 一部行XP點先可以XP部機度拎到ME部機D野? 網路上的芳鄰:confused: Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-4-22 07:34 PM:
網路上的芳鄰:confused: xp部機得
用me部機唔得 開ftp :icon101: anybody help?:icon099: 入只 XP 碟入 ME 部機度
Perform additional tasks
Set up a home or small office network
睇下有無相關 configuration utilities
I have only seen that the ME one cannot access the XP files
(because of the security option)
However, usually there should have no problems for the XP one to access the ME files ~~~