Liverman 發表於 2005-5-2 23:25:56

安裝windows xp firewall

如果我之前冇裝, 而家想裝番, 又唔想成個windows鏟起, 可以點做?

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-3 22:28:42

下?你指SP2 firewall?

Liverman 發表於 2005-5-4 11:41:18

Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-5-3 10:28 PM:
下?你指SP2 firewall? 裝xp有得裝埋個firewall...

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-4 12:10:12

Originally posted by Liverman at 2005-5-4 11:41 AM:



其中一個service叫Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Liverman 發表於 2005-5-4 12:46:02

Originally posted by 杰少仔 at 2005-5-4 12:10 PM:




其中一個service叫Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
開返佢:confused: THANKS!

咁如果我想ICQ收FILE, 想閂番, 又點做

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-4 12:52:56

Originally posted by Liverman at 2005-5-4 12:46 PM:

咁如果我想ICQ收FILE, 想閂番, 又點做
唔洗close Firewall,

方法1: 將icq set "behind firewall",Preferences-Connections-Server
set : Using Firewall - Not Using Proxy,restart icq


Set: Not Using Proxy - Use the following TCP listen port for incoming
自己是但set個range, eg: 7676 to 7687
之後去Windows Firewall個度開返個port ( 姐係7676-7687ports forward)

btw,如果係winXPSP2 ,控制台-windows防火牆度set/開
如果係WinXPSP1,控制台-網路連線 -區域連線,right click內容-進階度set

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2005-5-5 10:13:39

開唔到 ICS 點救? :o

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-5 10:35:44

Originally posted by FlyingDonkey at 2005-5-5 10:13 AM:
開唔到 ICS 點救? :o
出咩error? :o

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2005-5-5 10:44:20

Windows cannot start the Windows firewall/ICS services :o

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-5 10:48:11

Originally posted by FlyingDonkey at 2005-5-5 10:44 AM:
Windows cannot start the Windows firewall/ICS services :o
xp sp1/sp2?

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2005-5-5 10:51:06


杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-5 11:06:20

Network Connections同Windows Management Instrumentation有冇開?

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2005-5-5 11:17:34

Windows Management Instrumentation:

Error 1068: The dependency service of group failed to start :icon024:

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-5 11:36:23

Originally posted by FlyingDonkey at 2005-5-5 11:17 AM:
Windows Management Instrumentation:

Error 1068: The dependency service of group failed to start :icon024:

FlyingDonkey 發表於 2005-5-5 19:56:00

dun to unidentifiedproblem, the setting of firewall cannot be started :icon101:
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查看完整版本: 安裝windows xp firewall