證實患上乳癌:( Whilst at home in Melbourne with her family this week prior to her Australian Showgirl Tour, Kylie was diagnosed with early breast cancer. She will undergo immediate treatment and consequently her Showgirl tour will not be able to proceed as planned.Kylie said: "I was so looking forward to bringing the Showgirl tour to Australian audiences, and am sorry to have to disappoint my fans. Nevertheless hopefully all will work out fine and Ill be back with you all again soon." 頭先有線好似喺新聞台有講:icon110: Originally posted by Liverman at 2005-5-17 09:38 PM:
我就係係個度見倒:o o:o:o 唔知佢d男fans會點呢
kylie會唔會被離棄呢 噢... early =phase 1 ? 知了2-3天了 慘...:( pitiful
but i dun like her
[ Last edited by 奇連士文再生 on 18-5-2005 at 03:09 AM ]