新巴司機 發表於 2005-5-23 00:10:44



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HTTP 403.6 - Forbidden: IP address rejected
Internet Information Services


Technical Information (for support personnel)

This error is caused when the server has a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the site, and the IP address you are using is in this list.

More information:
Microsoft Support


Wai 發表於 2005-5-23 01:04:00

你個ip比 高登server ban左囉

yuren 發表於 2005-5-24 14:49:36

Originally posted by Wai at 2005-5-23 01:04:
你個ip比 高登server ban左囉
what a big surprise:icon030:

ohcl 發表於 2005-5-24 18:47:20

Originally posted by Wai at 2005-5-23 01:04 AM:
你個ip比 高登server ban左囉

傑夫仔 發表於 2005-5-24 20:44:37


杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-29 23:28:08


No web site is configured at this address.?????

杰少仔 發表於 2005-5-30 04:32:34


聽講hkg block 左hkbn? (我又係唔清楚,追緊新聞中)
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