「就今天的情形看來,我們會建議各車隊不要出賽,」米其林F1部門主管索洛克(Nick Shorrock)周六在印第安納波利斯表示。
使用米其林輪胎的車隊包括雷諾(Renault)、邁凱輪(麥拿侖)、威廉姆斯(威廉士)、豐田、英美(BAR)、索伯(蘇巴)和紅牛(Red Bull)。
最後FIA 唔俾米芝連俾新既輪胎 7隊車隊,由於發生意外既地方係全賽道速度最快既彎位,米芝連仍發表聲明話除非係o個個彎位將速度減低,否則唔可以確保任何使用米芝連輪胎車隊車手既安全,為安全起見7隊車隊均告呢個賽道棄權,以其他三隊車隊,法拉利,佐敦,文拿迪就正常出賽,無風無浪之下舒麥加終於一吐烏氣奪外冠軍 1 Michael Schumacher (Germany Ferrari)
Ferrari F2005 055 V10 - Bridgestone 1 1h 29' 43'' 1810 73
2 Rubens Barrichello (Brazil Ferrari)
Ferrari F2005 055 V10 - Bridgestone 2 1h 29' 44'' 7031'' 522 73
3 Tiago Monteiro (Portugal Jordan)
Jordan EJ15 Toyota RVX-05 V10 - Bridgestone 18 00172
4 Narain Karthikeyan (India Jordan)
Jordan EJ15 Toyota RVX-05 V10 - Bridgestone 19 00172
5 Christijan Albers (Netherlands Minardi)
Minardi PS05 Cosworth CR-6 V10 - Bridgestone 21 00271
6 Patrick Friesacher (Austria Minardi)
Minardi PS05 Cosworth CR-6 V10 - Bridgestone 20 00271
未免真係太冇癮:icon101: 真搞野, 睇咁耐F1都冇見過...:icon120: 睇新聞~得紅黃黑3隻色既車:icon101::icon124: Originally posted by 射手shooter at 2005-6-20 09:24 AM:
1 Michael Schumacher (Germany Ferrari)
Ferrari F2005 055 V10 - Bridgestone 1 1h 29' 43'' 1810 73
2 Rubens Barrichello (Brazil Ferrari)
Ferrari F2005 055 V10 - Bridgestone 2 1h 29' 44' ...
TEAM ORDER 之下呢場淨係爭第3 有dddd睇頭:icon101: 文諾迪終於有分 :o 本來10隊車隊都同意係個彎角減慢車速,但法拉利反對之下令呢個方案唔可以進行,仍令到只有6部車進行賽事:o 大部份美國車迷全場都報以噓聲:icon032:
法拉利眼見贏硬梗係唔制:o Ferrari真係好唔掂:icon058: Originally posted by 小妖 at 2005-6-20 12:36 PM:
文諾迪終於有分 :o
史上第一分?:icon101: Originally posted by WainSeven at 21-6-2005 02:01 PM:
佢史上第一分係來自 piere-luigi martini 得到 1988 美國站o既第六名 勝之不武:o Originally posted by 捷克NeVeD子彈 at 21-6-2005 06:24 PM:
可能法拉利覺得好醜都係一個冠軍, 有10分... 吸引力好大....:icon105: Originally posted by faister at 2005-6-21 06:38 PM:
可能法拉利覺得好醜都係一個冠軍, 有10分... 吸引力好大....:icon105:
唔經唔覺有上返黎第三名:icon101: Originally posted by faister at 2005-6-21 06:38 PM:
可能法拉利覺得好醜都係一個冠軍, 有10分... 吸引力好大....:icon105:
車隊得分有18分添 :icon101: 追到同麥拿倫同分,落後雷諾13分:o As all four of the drivers from third place downwards scored their first-ever championship points, Jordan leapt from zero to 11 points, one adrift of Sauber, and Minardi from zero to seven. BAR’s situation got even worse, as they remain on zero. :icon101:
The biggest gain was Ferrari's. Their 18 point haul pushes them into equal second place with McLaren on 63 points, only 13 behind Renault with 10 races left. :icon119:
As for the others runners, on a bleak day they issued a joint statement (see previous story) in which they expressed their regret over the position they had been put in after Michelin were unable to guarantee the safety of their tyres, and apologised to fans and sponsors for not being able to take part in the race.
The teams refused to blame the FIA for their withdrawal after the sport’s governing body declined their request to insert a chicane ahead of Turn 13. (因為要全部車隊贊成先可以進行:o 法拉利既反對就成為.....)"Safety is always the first concern of any team and the FIA,” they said in their statement.
For their part, Michelin publicly apologised for failing to bring suitable tyres to the event, but stood by their decision not to race on safety grounds and thanked their teams for respecting that decision.
The FIA’s only public comment on the matter came before the start of the race, when it published Race Director Charlie Whiting’s reply to Michelin’s request to have speeds somehow reduced in Turn 13.
Regarding the potential insertion of a chicane, Whiting stated: “To change the course in order to help some of the teams with a performance problem caused by their failure to bring suitable equipment to the race would be a breach of the rules and grossly unfair to those teams which have come to Indianapolis with the correct tyres.”:icon068:
The FIA also outlined a number of other options available to the Michelin teams, including running more slowly in Turn 13, running new tyres and incurring a penalty, or repeatedly changing tyres, subject to valid safety reasons.
With those options deemed unacceptable by Michelin and their teams, there followed the bizarre spectacle of 14 cars peeling into the Indianapolis pit lane to retire at the end of the formation lap.
“Regrettably, the teams were obliged to follow Michelin’s requirements not to race,” ended the teams’ joint statement. “We are totally aware that the USA is an important market for Formula One, and there is an obligation for Formula One to promote itself in a positive and professional manner. It is sad that we couldn’t showcase Formula One in the manner we would have liked today.”
On that note the season heads back to Europe, with attention moving to the French Grand Prix at Magny-Cours on July 3. Before then the teams will be testing in Spain and Michelin will be continuing their investigations.
呢次唔俾車隊換胎嚴重影響左F1既形象:o 13萬美國車迷絕大部份都失望而回:o 記招
Q: Michael, obviously a difficult day, none of the Michelin runners competing after that first lap, after the formation lap, but nonetheless, you were out there, you were racing and it looked pretty close between you and Rubens as you came out from your second pit stop.
Michael Schumacher: Yeah, very close, I would say. It was quite a race the two of us had going. It was only the two of us and the team said ‘let’s go and have fun’ and that’s what we had between the two of us. Obviously it was a bit of a strange Grand Prix, not the right way to win my first one this year but one of these out of 84 is not a big disaster.
個記者明知有team order都咁問:icon032: 難委哂巴里哲奴:icon099: Originally posted by Hakkinen at 21-6-2005 07:17 PM:
車隊得分有18分添 :icon101: 追到同麥拿倫同分,落後雷諾13分:o
恭喜佢開齌... Originally posted by Hakkinen at 21-6-2005 07:24 PM:
Q: Michael, obviously a difficult day, none of the Michelin runners competing after that first lap, after the formation lap, but nonetheless, you were out there, you were racing and it looked ...
巴仔真係一個好o既第二車手.. 令我稔起同文素(Nigel Mansell)一齊o既柏齊斯 (Ricardo Patrese).... 同冼拿(Ayrton Senna)一齊o既貝嘉(Gerhard Berger)