one dayopen pc
我的文件夾 無哂野(我的音樂,我的圖片都消失左) :eek2:
但check 返C: 容量無少到 :eek2:
use anti-virus to cheak d file 去左咩 found000/dir009 之類
how to get it back :sacchi::sacchi::sacchi: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/reskit/en-us/Default.asp?url=/resources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/reskit/en-us/prkd_tro_kbnn.asp then mean what should i do ?
dir/a :icon091: no ppl help :sacchi: http://www.diydatarecovery.nl/chkmate.htm Originally posted by vctwl at 2005-9-24 07:10 PM:
thx :sacchi:
need to find those CHK file ga ?
where ga :icon101::sacchi:
C : ? seem no :sacchi: in the found.xxx Originally posted by vctwl at 2005-9-24 09:36 PM:
in the found.xxx
DIY DataRecovery DiskPatch 2.1 can see
but dun know how to use then
DIY DataRecovery CHK-Mate see ng dor :sacchi: 我而家無 chk
試唔到... Originally posted by vctwl at 2005-9-25 05:22 PM:
我而家無 chk
fine ~~
woo ~~ what can i do :icon099: cap 圖... :( show hidden files? :icon091:what mean 要顯示系統檔案先睇到 Originally posted by vctwl at 2005-9-27 05:37 PM:
要 how 先顯示 ?:icon099: CHK has analysis has completed
Number of files recoverd : 0
CHK-Mate didn't recongise any 'known' file tpyes in the examined CHK files.
Possibly the CHK files do not contain relevant information and can be safety deleted.
It is possible that the CHK files do contain lost files, but they weren't recognised because no signature for the file tpyes contained the CHK files exists yet.
If you suspect the letter to be ture , you can add signatures by dropping a sample file on the CHK-Mate executable or it's shortcut.After ading a signature, run CHK-Mate again to analyze the CHK files.
what ?:icon099: What file types do you have in the folder? Originally posted by vctwl at 2005-9-27 06:27 PM:
What file types do you have in the folder?
JPG - type files: 0
GIF - type files: 0
ZIP - type files: 0
CAB - type files: 0
EXE - type files: 0
DLL - type files: 0
OCX - type files: 0
WRI - type files: 0
BMP - type files: 0
BIF - type files: 0
PDF - type files: 0
HTML - type files: 0
HTM - type files: 0
RIF - type files: 0
RAR - type files: 0
TIF - type files: 0
MP3 - type files: 0
:icon091: 我指我的文件夾