AirKID 發表於 2005-10-13 23:51:48

Originally posted by TinTin at 2005-10-13 23:48:

我打算up 第2 步兵,唔理phalanx lu :icon032:


[ Last edited by AirKID on 13-10-2005 at 11:53 PM ]

HackerWong 發表於 2005-10-13 23:52:07

Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters to see if your alliance might be interested in formation of a Non Aggression Pact with the TBG. While our gaming philosophies may differ, I'm sure you can see the benefit of such an agreement.
I extend this token olive branch in hopes that we might be able to co-exist in this cyber world.
I will be sending a NAP invitation as a perfunctory invitation. Also, should you ever need the aid of an outside party for negotiations and the such, please feel free to call on either myself, Lady Shondy or DocHammersmith. Doc is a former member of the United States Diplomatic Corps, and is now a professor of Political Science and International Relations at Dartmouth University. Shondra and I, as well as most of our alliance are a few of his grad students.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Katherine vanDeen
The Big Green
Secretary of State

AirKID 發表於 2005-10-13 23:52:33

Originally posted by bocu77777 at 2005-10-13 23:45:
聽講用 phalanx 要15隻先可以唔死一隻gum raid 廢村

...有錢起15隻 phalanx 都起到步兵啦

HackerWong 發表於 2005-10-13 23:53:06

Originally posted by HackerWong at 13-10-05 11:52 PM:
Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters...


bocu77777 發表於 2005-10-13 23:53:28

Originally posted by hehe0114 at 13-10-2005 11:51 PM:



hehe0114 發表於 2005-10-13 23:54:38

Originally posted by HackerWong at 2005-10-13 23:52:
Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters to see if your alliance might be interested in formation of a Non Aggression Pact with the TBG. While our gaming philosophies may differ, I'm sure you can see the benefit of such an agreement.
I extend this token olive branch in hopes that we might be able to co-exist in this cyber world.
I will be sending a NAP invitation as a perfunctory invitation. Also, should you ever need the aid of an outside party for negotiations and the such, please feel free to call on either myself, Lady Shondy or DocHammersmith. Doc is a former member of the United States Diplomatic Corps, and is now a professor of Political Science and International Relations at Dartmouth University. Shondra and I, as well as most of our alliance are a few of his grad students.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Katherine vanDeen
The Big Green
Secretary of State


TinTin 發表於 2005-10-13 23:54:48

Originally posted by AirKID at 2005-10-13 06:51 AM:


[ Last edited by AirKID on 13-10-2005 at 11:53 PM ]

問題係gaul 第一隻兵,唔打得,唔守得 :icon110:

bocu77777 發表於 2005-10-13 23:56:05

Originally posted by HackerWong at 13-10-2005 11:52 PM:
Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters...

幾日前我預左會有d gum野發生:icon101:

TinTin 發表於 2005-10-13 23:57:09

Originally posted by HackerWong at 2005-10-13 06:52 AM:
Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters...

結盟無壞 ar

話曬我地都係頭50既clan :icon101:

AirKID 發表於 2005-10-13 23:57:23

Originally posted by TinTin at 2005-10-13 23:54:

問題係gaul 第一隻兵,唔打得,唔守得 :icon110:


陳星龍 發表於 2005-10-13 23:57:42

Originally posted by HackerWong at 2005-10-13 11:52 PM:
Dear hackerwong,
My alliance and I have recently have had dealings with your member, roy, and all has been worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
My purpose of this message is to test the waters...

bocu77777 發表於 2005-10-13 23:57:48


HackerWong 發表於 2005-10-13 23:58:38

Originally posted by TinTin at 13-10-05 11:49 PM:
s2 有位比我個friend 未 ?

1 more day...thx for his patience.... :)

TinTin 發表於 2005-10-13 23:59:01

hacker 有位比我個friend 入會未

hehe0114 發表於 2005-10-13 23:59:05

Originally posted by bocu77777 at 2005-10-13 23:57:

AirKID 發表於 2005-10-13 23:59:37

Originally posted by TinTin at 2005-10-13 23:59:
hacker 有位比我個friend 入會未


TinTin 發表於 2005-10-13 23:59:47

Originally posted by HackerWong at 2005-10-13 06:58 AM:

1 more day...thx for his patience.... :)



HackerWong 發表於 2005-10-14 00:00:01

Originally posted by hehe0114 at 13-10-05 11:54 PM:


咁我都曬下朵先 :icon101:

陳星龍 發表於 2005-10-14 00:00:16


hehe0114 發表於 2005-10-14 00:00:33

Originally posted by AirKID at 2005-10-13 23:59:

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