1. General Policy: Business CasualPlayers are required to wear Business Casual attire whenever they are engaged in team or league business.
"Business Casual" attire means
A long or short-sleeved dress shirt (collared or turtleneck), and/or a sweater.
Dress slacks, khaki pants, or dress jeans.
Appropriate shoes and socks, including dress shoes, dress boots, or other presentable shoes, but not including sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, or work boots.
2. Exceptions to Business Casual
There are the following exceptions to the general policy of Business Casual attire:
a. Players In Attendance At Games But Not In Uniform
Players who are in attendance at games but not in uniform are required to wear the following additional items when seated on the bench or in the stands during the game:
Sport Coat
Dress shoes or boots, and socks
b. Players Leaving the Arena
Players leaving the arena may wear either Business Casual attire or neat warm-up suits issued by their teams.
c. Special Events or Appearances
Teams can make exceptions to the Business Casual policy for special events or player appearances where other attire is appropriate -- e.g., participation in a basketball clinic.
3. Excluded Items
The following is a list of items that players are not allowed to wear at any time while on team or league business:
Sleeveless shirts
T-shirts, jerseys, or sports apparel (unless appropriate for the event (e.g., a basketball clinic), team-identified, and approved by the team)
Headgear of any kind while a player is sitting on the bench or in the stands at a game, during media interviews, or during a team or league event or appearance (unless appropriate for the event or appearance, team-identified, and approved by the team)
Chains, pendants, or medallions worn over the player's clothes
Sunglasses while indoors
Headphones (other than on the team bus or plane, or in the team locker room)
好似番學咁,都成年人啦,管咁嚴做咩 :icon074:
你下下叫AI著西裝都好異相者 :icon101: Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-10-20 06:58 AM:
1. General Policy: Business Casual
Players are required to wear Business Casual attire whenever they are engaged in team or league business.
"Business Casual" attire means
A lon ...
Stupid racist rule:o rubbish rule 一個壞人著得幾好都係壞人
一個好人根本唔需要靠衣著 AI無得著Hip-Hop.........:( 唔畀戴headphone :icon101:
有無講明唔畀rasheed打psp? NBA唔夠膠力要乞膠:icon101: Originally posted by Manu super fans at 2005-10-20 16:04:
期待西裝look :icon101: Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-10-21 12:04 AM:
期待西裝look :icon101:
I3出埋西裝:icon102::icon101: Originally posted by Manu super fans at 2005-10-21 16:09:
遲d可能要佢地著埋皮鞋 :icon100::icon100: Nike,Adidas要轉行做皮鞋了:icon101:
這樣限制衣著也太苛刻了,商業贊助實嘈到拆天 咁比賽o個陣駛唔駛著埋阿曼尼:icon101: onxx:o 著制服呀笨:icon085::icon101: Originally posted by Jason Del Piero at 2005-10-24 16:08:
打TIE,恤衫西褲:icon032: 遲d會唔會唔俾球星打遊戲機架:o (RASHEED :icon099: Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-10-25 07:18 AM:
遲d會唔會唔俾球星打遊戲機架:o (RASHEED :icon099: 咁RASHEED咪悶死..:icon069: 唔知邊個會犯規先呢:o
聽講犯3次之後要停賽:icon101: Originally posted by WainSeven at 2005-10-22 05:57 PM:
我好期待NBA變成一群西裝友的比賽:icon101: Originally posted by Hakkinen at 2005-11-2 11:55 AM:
I AM WHAT I AM:icon023::icon101: