Japanese Episdoes
Besides HMV, may I pls. know where I can buy the Jap. episodes?Most of the stores that I went only sold Koeran episodes..... outside Japan, only few Japanese dramas have original versions Japanese Episodes !?GO TO SINO CENTRAL 老番大把
台灣板的多:titter: But I thought there r no more such things in sino.....aren't they selling "young ppl items", like games and accessories nowadays?Pls. correct me if i am wrong... 原帖由 centuryegg817 於 2006-1-3110:53 PM 發表
But I thought there r no more such things in sino.....aren't they selling "young ppl items", like games and accessories nowadays?Pls. correct me if i am wrong...
....但價錢可能會貴些少(新) 原帖由 Reina Tanaka 於 2006-1-3111:22 PM 發表
Thanks!:) Any good episodes recently?