"The 2005 Slam Dunk champion, Josh Smith of the Atlanta Hawks, will return to defend his crown in the Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk competition to be held on NBA All-Star Saturday Night presented by AOL, Feb. 18 at the Toyota Center in Houston. In addition to the reigning champion, the 21st Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk competition will feature Andre Iguodala of the Philadelphia 76ers, and rookies Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks and Hakim Warrick of the Memphis Grizzlies."http://www.insidehoops.com/nba_rumors.shtml 5-9 Nate,so exciting! 矮d 反而入得勁d...之前好似chris andersen 咁死高,都做唔到動作:icon101: AI:icon067: 無鳥人:icon050::icon101::icon101: AI:icon067:
好似係空中好耐又夠powerful Nate Robinson有睇頭喎 依然看好Josh Smith~ 我淨係見到新AI……無AI…… 原帖由 李喂凸 於 2006-2-103:47 PM 發表
依然看好Josh Smith~
應該都係佢 :confused::icon101:fred-jones? 原帖由 WainSeven 於 2006-2-111:50 AM 發表