Since my harddisk has died, I can't type Chinese right now.I have actually written the new chapters,
do you guys want to wait for 5 months?
or just want me to take the photo of the handwritten draft and post those here?:icon105::icon105: late suen lu :time: 等你~~~ 奇蹟!打到中文喇!valentine四十一章快將推出 原帖由 舒夫真高 於 2006-2-1001:42 PM 發表
期待:icon094: Where is Chapter 40? 對唔住,打錯左,原來係四十章先係新 就算死左機
點解要等5個月 :icon101: I can go back to Hong Kong and install the program back.
Because I am in the United States right now...