Graphic Tee
邊度多? i just order from some website220each 原帖由 bobby_zamora 於 2006-3-1612:47 AM 發表
i just order from some website
你講緊Graniph Tee? 原帖由 cmh_2002 於 2006-3-1610:18 AM 發表
你講緊Graniph Tee?
u just sent them the link of that tee and size
they will give u an account 3..
u inout $$ is ok 原帖由 bobby_zamora 於 2006-3-1604:52 PM 發表
u just sent them the link of that tee and size
they will give u an account 3..
u inout $$ is ok
can u give me the link?
落左order後幾耐收到貨? 如果你地對Graniph 有興趣..
有機會我會搞.....諗下先 原帖由 P.Chou 於 2006-3-1901:14 PM 發表
如果你地對Graniph 有興趣..
but they run out of size quickly 原帖由 cmh_2002 於 2006-3-1611:11 PM 發表
can u give me the link?
5-14 days arrive
Pm 其實香港買$300有找 太多地方有Graniph賣~~
價錢又唔差得遠~~ 2000 yen 一件賣300? 原帖由 P.Chou 於 2006-3-1903:53 PM 發表
2000 yen 一件賣300?
220 in total for me
i think it is ok
since 2000 yen = $ 17x
+transporation+bank fee
ok la 2000 YEN = 13X NOW..
一件TEE運費用EMS 只係900yen (2日收到)
如果用船,大約只係2-300 yen到.
bank fee 意思指? 我諗你個agent 係直接係日本買/訂,
我諗唔需要bank fee.....
當然, 錢係要俾人賺...
220 係可以接受既價錢...300我就一定say no.
我都希望可以below 200 搞到一件... 原帖由 P.Chou 於 2006-3-1906:24 PM 發表
2000 YEN = 13X NOW..
一件TEE運費用EMS 只係900yen (2日收到)
如果用船,大約只係2-300 yen到.
bank fee 意思指? 我諗你個agent 係直接係日本買/訂,
我諗唔需要bank fee.....
當然, 錢係要俾人賺...
i will join if below 200 or around 200 :) 原帖由 P.Chou 於 2006-3-1906:24 PM 發表
2000 YEN = 13X NOW..
一件TEE運費用EMS 只係900yen (2日收到)
如果用船,大約只係2-300 yen到.
bank fee 意思指? 我諗你個agent 係直接係日本買/訂,
我諗唔需要bank fee.....
當然, 錢係要俾人賺...
等你既好消息... 唔好希望有住先 希望搞得成 :icon101: