Rocky Balboahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0biU_lZE0Xc&search=Rocky%20Balboa
Rocky is back :icon101: 好懷念的音樂....
史泰龍:icon099: 有新戲??? 我寧願睇indania jones :icon101: 拍拍下比個老臨打暈:icon101: Rocky is a good movie,u like 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5?
i like rocky 3 原帖由 Dadadede 於 2006-7-3107:15 PM 發表
Rocky is a good movie,u like 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5?
i like rocky 3
4都唔錯 his friendship with the previous champion:icon8: 我覺得Rocky集集都差唔多:icon101:
不過睇落好鬼正 原帖由 AirKID 於 2006-7-2710:06 PM 發表
我寧願睇indania jones :icon101:
1 of my favourite movies..
patiently waiting. Rocky 3 - The best
Mr. T.... remember?? :icon077: 原帖由 cnwong 於 2006-7-3111:54 PM 發表
5th is quite different from the rest.... :icon117:
he downgrade to a poor man in the 5th with "Paully".... so poor~~
I recently watched them all~~ waiting for IV.... :D good ar!:icon8: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462499/
Rambo is back too.. 原帖由 Fantasista 於 2006-8-410:54 AM 發表
Rambo is back too..
佢想退休前黎一次生涯回顧嗎 :icon101: 六十歲......骨頭好易碎