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[活動] NT 選舉演說

發表於 2010-11-30 20:55:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Hi everyone, I am king6a2,manager of HighburyGunners. I have great passion on hattrick which becomes a part of my life. This is my 16th season on hattrick and now I would like to contribute to the national team of hong kong.

My achievements:
The following achievements make me a competitive candidate for the nt-coach election.
- I am one of the top managers in hk and my experience is good enough to help me succeed in the national team. I have 6 seasons experience in division one and two playing against many giants. What I have to say is that my leadership is excellent and my tactical skill is divine. After the relegation of CKL , HighburyGunners becomes the traditional team in HK's top division, being able to survive in the league for the longest time. My team has been very close to capturing the title, HighburyGunners was the finalist in season 25, and a semi-finalist in season 26

-I spent two seasons as the assistant of the former nt coach eeeeem for many team affairs. I learnt a lot from him and this makes me able to follow his nt work easily. I also have good communication and relationship with u20 coach TZZero although he treats HighburyGunners as his rival team. My connection to the owners of some nt players will definitely help me a lot.

My plans and target:
-Get into round 2 in the coming World Cup. I could easily say that my aim is to win the champion but I would not say because we have to face the truth and figure out the difference between hong kong and other strong national teams. Anyway, I will try my best and make ourselves a much stronger team.
-Turn to the new generation
. After WC, I will pick out all old and monoskilled players from NT. Multiskilled and suitable speciality will be essential for players to enter NT. The former coach has finished the first half and I will continue the second half. And I will improve our nt training system. I will talk about the details if you are interested.

It will be my pleasure to be the national coach of Hong Kong and I am ready. Every vote is meaningful and important to me and will be appreciated!
Thank you for your attention!


大家好,我是king6a2,HighburyGunners的經理 。我非常熱情於hattrick,它已經成為我生活的一部分。這是我在hattrick的第16個賽季,現在我想為香港國家隊作出貢獻。

以下的成就使我成為一個在NT教練選舉有競爭力的候選人 。
- 我是香港其中一個頂級教頭,我的經驗足夠幫助我在國家隊取得成功。我有6個賽季的一二級聯賽經驗,與很多強隊比賽過。我要說的是我的領導能力是優秀的,我的戰術技巧是超凡入圣的。CKL降級後,HighburyGunners成為香港頂級聯賽的傳統球隊,即在聯盟逗留時間最長。我的球隊已經非常接近奪取冠軍,HighburyGunners是第25賽季的聯賽亞軍和第26賽季杯賽的四強之一

我花了兩個賽季的時間作為前國家隊領隊 eeeeem的助理,協助處理球隊事務。我從他身上學到了很多,這使我能夠容易地接管他的工作。我與u20教練 TZZero也有良好的溝通和關係,雖然他視傳統球隊HighburyGunners作為敵對球隊。我與球員的球會有一定連系,這一定會幫助到我。


發表於 2010-12-1 00:10:01 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MyGod 於 2010-11-30  08:55 PM 發表
Hi everyone, I am king6a2,manager of HighburyGunners. I have great passion on hattrick which becomes a part of my life. This is my 16th season on hattrick and now I would like to contribute to the nat ...


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發表於 2010-12-1 23:27:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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咁你就唔好用中文問佢 la

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