樓主 |
發表於 2011-8-17 13:29:28
原帖由 ThShevchenko 於 2011-8-17 11:19 AM 發表 
好難講梳唔梳乎, 好多人未必真係會咁積極兩年就去考(QS仲要minimum 3年添), 而且engineer無論喺地位同人工都喺surveyor之上.....
講construction management / project management唔係唔好, 不過我覺得係要喺已 ...
That one is qs msc...
surveyor c+0 30000
minimum 4 yrs for engineers to get a chartership, and c+0 normally ~28000 only
only geotechnical can get more than 30000 in C+0
but it is the most difficult one and normally the qualified applicants are master grad in geotechnical/earth science...
[ 本帖最後由 炎夏 於 2011-8-17 01:48 PM 編輯 ] |