發表於 2012-4-11 19:50:13
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anyone knows?
(p.s. 公司有同事需要set到 30+ 個account... 禁send/receive 有d 好似 ...
grandoni 發表於 2012-4-11 17:18 
咁你要睇清楚禁S/R (即All) 時候係咪真係 ALL account 都有做S/R 呢個動作, 因為試個有客有四個account, 禁S/R 竟然係唔包某一account, 只得另外三個account 做左S/R 既動作
When you have more than 32 Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) accounts in Outlook Express 6, you may not be able to send and receive messages in any more than 32 of those accounts.
This behavior can occur because Outlook Express is designed to handle e-mail message checking for no more than 32 POP3 accounts. |