my first keeper shirt...
Although it is a fan version and not as great as the match worn shirts that some of the bros here owned, but I am still very happy!!
??? Delete4Ever ? 2007-7-10 11:50 PM ??
my first keeper shirt...
Although it is a fan version and not as great as the match worn shirts that some of the bros here owned, but I am still very happy!!
GREAT SHIRT!!! support PARMA!!!
This shirt is an exceptional case for Fans version is much valuable than the "so call" player shirt since too many player stock with wrong place champion & parma logos appeared in market several years should be proud of it.
Moreover, this is definitely one of the best designed GK of all time!
That's what i call~classic!
p.s. I think yr shirt should be one of the player stock version. The dotted line on the chest should tell the difference between replica or player shirt. Mind if u tell me whether a flock parmalat sponsor or not? Also the white stripes shows that it is a player shirt too!
One more significant point tells the different is that the name & number should be in "laser printed" on cloth for a fans version & "oil printing" with raw edges will be appear on REAL player shirts only.
These differences can be shown only on parmalat verson sponsor...not include Mr. Day version or small champion version since Mr. Day version and small champion version both never had replicas for sale.
That's all i know about this shirt, hope this may help u to tell the difference.
GREAT SHIRT!!! support PARMA!!!
This shirt is an exceptional case for Fans version is much valuable than the "so call" player shirt since too many player stock with wrong place champion & parma logo ...
ya, this is one of the best shirt, i love it the first time i saw someone post it here...
wow, u sure this can be a player shirt? Since my shirt is S size. the sponsor on my shirt is not flock..what does that mean?
and the white dotted line you referring to is the white line above the champion logo and below the buffon name?
eh bro GUARDALBEN99, that means mine is a player stock? due to these few things?
1) white dotted line
2) non-flock parmalat sponsor
3) 'oil printing' for name and number (my shirt name and number is not laser printed. the edges do have small little cracks along it, not sure if thats what you call raw edges...
ya, this is one of the best shirt, i love it the first time i saw someone post it here...
wow, u sure this can be a player shirt? Since my shirt is S size. the sponsor on my shirt is not flock..what ...
or i should say it may be a player stock since it's shows difference from a replica.
sometimes smaller size of this shirt can't show all 4 stripes too!
yup. that's the dotted line i mentioned.
It's much easier to find a player stock than a replica...
or i should say it may be a player stock since it's shows difference from a replica.
sometimes smaller size of this shirt can't show all 4 stripes too!
yup. that's the dotted line i mentioned.
It ...
wow thanks alot for the pictures and info!! your collection is great!! haha I never expect to get a player stock shirt... haha seldom heard that fans version is more valuable.. really thanks alot man, learn a great lesson from you
ya, this is one of the best shirt, i love it the first time i saw someone post it here...
wow, u sure this can be a player shirt? Since my shirt is S size. the sponsor on my shirt is not flock..what ...
1. player shirt / player stock must have dotted line.
2. player shirt / player stock must be in flock sponsor.
3. player shirt / player stock n/n must be in "oil printing" with raw edges...
It's hard to explain without the shirt on hand, but if the n/n of your shirt are in plastic material, it should be easy to define...
and of course...Buffon won't wear S size during 99-00 I'm sure...hehe
That's why i think yr shirt MAY BE player stock...just wonder why it is not in flock sponsor...
anyway, no matter it is a player shirt/ player stock / replica, this shirt is a MUST item for any soccershirts collector i'm sure...congratulations!
wow thanks alot for the pictures and info!! your collection is great!! haha I never expect to get a player stock shirt... haha seldom heard that fans version is more valuable.. really thanks alot ma ...
1. player shirt / player stock must have dotted line.
2. player shirt / player stock must be in flock sponsor.
3. player shirt / player stock n/n must be in "oil printing" with raw edges...
hahaha ya, buffon sure dont wear S size that time.
hmm in that case my shirt is a strange one haha, ya no matter which version it is, it doesnt matter, I like this shirt just cos of the design. Thanks!
haha....u r welcome~
I'm just an old man keep saying bla bla bla....
not old man, it should be an experience soccer shirt collector..haha